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NATCA’s Shutdown 5th Amendment Claim Withdrawn and FLSA Claims Refiled in the Court of Federal Claims

 Table of Contents


  1. Aberhorn,Kurt

  2. Abeyta,Marc

  3. Abraham,Albin

  4. Acevedo,Daniel

  5. Acord,Kris

  6. Acosta,Adso

  7. Adamczyk,Leonard

  8. Adams,Bradley

  9. Adams,Christopher

  10. Adams,Christopher

  11. Adams,Katrina

  12. Adams,Rhonda

  13. Adaniya, Christopher

  14. Adarraga,Brian

  15. Agee, William

  16. Agerton,Stephanie

  17. Agosto,Jessica

  18. Alarcon,Rossanna

  19. Albers,Ellen

  20. Albert,Traver

  21. Albo,Daniel

  22. Albrecht,Matthew













































Case No.19-213C

(Judge Patricia E. Campbell-Smith)

  1. Albright, Kimberly

  2. Alcaraz,Robert

  3. Al-Chalabi,Edward

  4. Aldridge,Brandon

  5. Alejandro,Eddie

  6. Alexander, Jonathan

  7. Alexander, Reema

  8. Alexander, Scott

  9. Allan,Casey

  10. Allan,Joshua

  11. Allen,Clark

  12. Allen,Joseph

  13. Allen,Scott

  14. Allyn, Cris

  15. Amabile, Jonathan

  16. Amann,Anna

  17. Ambrose,Mamie

  18. Amiri,Debra

  19. Ammons,William

  20. Anamanya, Marvin

  21. Anderer,John

  22. Anderer,Toni

  23. Andersen,Benjamin















































  1. Anderson, Christopher

  2. Anderson, Cody

  3. Anderson, Jared

  4. Anderson, Kyle

  5. Anderson, Michael

  6. Anderson,Casey

  7. Anderson,Christopher

  8. Anderson,Darrick

  9. Anderson,Deborah

  10. Anderson,Michael

  11. Anderson,Ryan

  12. Andree,Wade

  13. Anewalt, David

  14. Ankiewicz,Stanley

  15. Annino, John

  16. Anthony,Nolan

  17. Apel,Paul

  18. Arab,Majid

  19. Aragaki, Cody

  20. Aragon,Noah

  21. Aran,Abel

  22. Arington, Daniel

  23. Armbruster, Collin















































  1. Armstead,Nicholas

  2. Armstrong, Patrick

  3. Arndt, Aaron

  4. Arnold, Jason

  5. Arnold,Brett

  6. Arroyo,Nathaniel

  7. Asaro, Francis

  8. Ascherl,Amanda

  9. Ashford,William

  10. Ashley,Daret

  11. Ashtyn,Paula

  12. Asmundson, Joseph

  13. Atwood, Michael

  14. Aulbach,Jeffrey

  15. Austin,Daniel

  16. Austin,Timothy

  17. Austrino,James

  18. Autry, Kenneth

  19. Auwae-lapilio, Jaime

  20. Auwae-Lapilio, Jeffrey

  21. Avila,Katelyn

  22. Axson,William

  23. Axtell,Benjamin















































  1. Aymond, Christopher

  2. Ayotte,Daniel

  3. Ayoub, Brad

  4. Azzara,Gregory

  5. Baca, Quentin

  6. Bacchus,Cory

  7. Bach,Austin

  8. Bachmann, Katherine

  9. Bacon, Corey

  10. Bacon, Matthew

  11. Bacon, Sarah

  12. Baden, Mark

  13. Bady,Horacio

  14. Bagley,Patrick

  15. Bahr,Kenneth

  16. Bailey, Henry

  17. Bailey, Lephas

  18. Bair,Jeremy

  19. Baird, Ryan

  20. Baker,Zachary

  21. Bakke,Christopher

  22. Baldridge, Todd

  23. Ball,Matthew















































  1. Ball,Richard

  2. Ballard, Matthew

  3. Ballard,Warren

  4. Ballester, Christopher

  5. Bancroft,Christopher

  6. Bangerter,Phil

  7. Banner,Kirk

  8. Bannon,Kevin

  9. Barber, Ashley

  10. Barberia, Joseph

  11. Barbiaux,Brian

  12. Barfield, Kelsey

  13. Barganier, Steven

  14. Barker,Brian

  15. Barlaan,Tomas

  16. Barner,Jessica

  17. Barner,Michael

  18. Barnes, Betsy

  19. Barnes, Christopher

  20. Barnes, Christopher

  21. Barnes, Jason

  22. Barnes,Patrick

  23. Barnes,Stephen















































  1. Barnes,Tyler

  2. Barnett, Jonathan

  3. Barnett, Peter

  4. Barnett,Sarah

  5. Barns, Eric

  6. Barr,Robert

  7. Barrett,Kimberly

  8. Barrett,Robert

  9. Barrier,Curtis

  10. Barry,Trevor

  11. Barsch,Adam

  12. Barsness, Matthew

  13. Bartek,Clinton

  14. Barth, Bronson

  15. Barth,James

  16. Bartholomew, Michael

  17. Bartz,Nathan

  18. Barwicki,Mark

  19. Bassford,Christopher

  20. Bates,Michael

  21. Batman, Devin

  22. Battani,Gregory

  23. Baxter,Bryan















































  1. Baxter,Jared

  2. Beach,Michael

  3. Beal, Rebecca

  4. Beal, Samuel

  5. Beale,Christopher

  6. Beaudry,Justin

  7. Bechtold,Kenneth

  8. Beck,Robby

  9. Becker, Daniel

  10. Becker, Mitchell

  11. Beckham,Christopher

  12. Beckley,John

  13. Beckner, Geoffrey

  14. Beekman, Andrew

  15. Beeton,Cori

  16. Behan, Paul

  17. Beine, Kevin

  18. Beisel,Justin

  19. Belcher,Phillip

  20. Belgarde,Samantha

  21. Bell, Charles

  22. Bell, David

  23. Bell,Ginger















































  1. Bell,Gregory

  2. Bell,Michael

  3. Bellamy, Ingrid

  4. Bellamy,Marcus

  5. Beller, Jeremiah

  6. Bellis,Anne

  7. Bellisario,Michael

  8. Belote,Robert

  9. Bender,Ryan

  10. Benitez, Daniel

  11. Benjamin, Jennifer

  12. Benjamin,Gabriel

  13. Benoist,Nicholas

  14. Benson,Carissa

  15. Berg,Brandon

  16. Bergman,Bret

  17. Bergstrom,Jonathan

  18. Berman,Ariel

  19. Bermudez,Antonio

  20. Berndt, Raymond

  21. Berry, Peter

  22. Berry,Ariel

  23. Berry,Daniel















































  1. Bertsche,Ryan

  2. Berwick,Ryan

  3. Best,Rebecca

  4. Betke,Corey

  5. Beucher,Reid

  6. Beyer,Christopher

  7. Bianchi,Kevin

  8. Bica,John

  9. Bickford,Jared

  10. Bickmore,Catrina

  11. Bielek, Kevin

  12. Bieniek,Alexander

  13. Biggar,Francis

  14. Bigler, Jason

  15. Billinghurst,Michael

  16. Birch,Ian

  17. Biro,Michael

  18. Bishop, Wade

  19. Bishop,Adam

  20. Bishop,Jeffrey

  21. Bishop,Zackery

  22. Bittle,Lexington

  23. Black,Danielle















































  1. Blackwell,Jonathan

  2. Blahnik,Jordan

  3. Blair,Douglas

  4. Blam, Richard

  5. Blanchard,Amanda

  6. Blanchette, William

  7. Blanda, Carrie

  8. Blank,Garret

  9. Blansett,Scott

  10. Blaser,David

  11. Blocher, Kristopher

  12. Blocki,Peter

  13. Blow,Jeffrey

  14. Bluhm,David

  15. Bocelli,Dominick

  16. Bode,Jeffrey

  17. Boeser,Alexander

  18. Bogdanowich,Dean

  19. Boggs,Daniel

  20. Bohannon,Joshua

  21. Bollman,Rudger

  22. Bolton,Meredith

  23. Bond,Candace















































  1. Bond,James

  2. Bonds,Curtis

  3. Bone, Evan

  4. Boneillo, Christopher

  5. Bonfiglio,Paul

  6. Bonner, Mark

  7. Book,Brandy

  8. Book,Samuel

  9. Borbon,Jaime

  10. Bornwasser,Elizabeth

  11. Boston,Jonathan

  12. Bott,Darrell

  13. Bouchard-Hall, Taber

  14. Boughn,Christopher

  15. Bouyea, Christopher

  16. Bowe, Tyler

  17. Bowen,Traecy

  18. Bowles, Chad

  19. Bowman, Brandi

  20. Box,Kari

  21. Boxall,Jeffrey

  22. Boyd,Ty

  23. Boyde, Jason















































  1. Boyer,Peter

  2. Boyer,Stephen

  3. Boykin, Theresa

  4. Bracken,John

  5. Bradbury,Ronald

  6. Brader, Steven

  7. Bradfield, Dale

  8. Bradt,Gary

  9. Bradwell-Johnson,Conor

  10. Bragg,Cory

  11. Brancato, Peter

  12. Branch,Ryan

  13. Brandfast,Daniel

  14. Brandon, Jeffrey

  15. Brandt,Monika

  16. Brandt,Neil

  17. Brann,Kelly

  18. Brann,William

  19. Brannan, Brian

  20. Braunsroth, Douglas

  21. Bray, Derek

  22. Braymiller,Sara

  23. Brean,Matthew















































  1. Breault,Jeffrey

  2. Brennan, Andrew

  3. Bresnick,Alexander

  4. Breuing,Richard

  5. Brewer,Jeremy

  6. Brewer,Scott

  7. Breyer, Jessica

  8. Bricker, David

  9. Bricker,Robby

  10. Bricker,Samuel

  11. Bridgeman,David

  12. Bridges,David

  13. Briggs,James

  14. Briggs,Zachary

  15. Brill, Kevin

  16. Briscan,Iulian

  17. Britt, Dayne

  18. Britt,Henry

  19. Brooks, Alicia

  20. Brooks, Ann

  21. Brooks, Brian

  22. Brooks, Eric

  23. Broschart, William















































  1. Brotzman,Lucas

  2. Broughton,Matthew

  3. Brown, Jason

  4. Brown, Jeffrey

  5. Brown, William

  6. Brown,Angie

  7. Brown,Charles

  8. Brown,Jerome

  9. Brown,Joel

  10. Brown,Lisa

  11. Brown,Steven

  12. Bruce,Philip

  13. Bruchhauser, Anton

  14. Brugger, Andrew

  15. Brumbaugh,Aaron

  16. Brummel, Jennieve

  17. Brunda,Kai Li

  18. Bryant,Ben

  19. Buchanan,Scott

  20. Buchwitz,Jeffrey

  21. Buckingham, Paul

  22. Buckman, Andrew

  23. Bueche,Alexander















































  1. Buffalini,Zachary

  2. Bugarin,Paul

  3. Bula,Tomasz

  4. Bulakbasi,Korhan

  5. Bulzoni,Kristen

  6. Bunyard,Raymond

  7. Buonadonna, John

  8. Bupp, William

  9. Burcham,Brent

  10. Burden,Charles

  11. Burdette,Joshua

  12. Burger,Ryan

  13. Burgess,Matthew

  14. Burke, Joseph

  15. Burke,Christopher

  16. Burke,Neil

  17. Burns,Brandon

  18. Burrington, Curt

  19. Burriss,Bronson

  20. Burrows,Justin

  21. Burruss,Austin

  22. Burry,Troy

  23. Burt,Ryan















































  1. Burton,Jonathon

  2. Busch,Nicholas

  3. Bush, Lisa

  4. Bush,Michael

  5. Bustamonte,Joshua

  6. Butch,Shaun

  7. Butler, Sedrick

  8. Butler,John

  9. Butler,Nicholas

  10. Buysman,Kevin

  11. Byberg,Jeffrey

  12. Bye,Theodore

  13. Byler,David

  14. Byler,Debra

  15. Byrne,Marjorie

  16. Byrne,Ronan

  17. Cabble, Matthew

  18. Caggiano, Louis

  19. Cail-Forrest,Scott

  20. Calabria,Erin

  21. Calabro,Keith

  22. Calderas,Adam

  23. Caldwell,Bryan















































  1. Calvanelli,Jonathan

  2. Camacho,Jose

  3. Camara,Adam

  4. Campanella, Daniel

  5. Campbell,Daniel

  6. Campbell,Michael

  7. Campbell,Sean

  8. Canali, Robert

  9. Cancino, Marc

  10. Canipe, Kevin

  11. Cape, Sara

  12. Capizzi,Richard

  13. Capobianco, David

  14. Capozzi,Vincenzo

  15. Capps,Jason

  16. Captain,Jeffrey

  17. Caputo,Neil

  18. Carabin,Christopher

  19. Caratozzolo,Anthony

  20. Caraynoff,Christopher

  21. Cardenas, Joseph

  22. Carey,Nicolas

  23. Carle,John















































  1. Carlino, Vincent

  2. Carlisto,Devin

  3. Carlos,Brian

  4. Carlson,Joshua

  5. Carlson,Kristen

  6. Carlson,Kyle

  7. Carlson,Trevor

  8. Carlstedt,Kendra

  9. Carman, David

  10. Carmichael,Jonathan

  11. Carmody,Adam

  12. Carnes, Casey

  13. Carnes, Scott

  14. Carolus,Megan

  15. Carpenter, Thomas

  16. Carpentier,Jeffrey

  17. Carpino, Philip

  18. Carr, Clifton

  19. Carr, Patrick

  20. Carr,William

  21. Carrasco,Joseph

  22. Carreno,Reinier

  23. Carrigan,Christopher















































  1. Carrigan,Patrick

  2. Carrillo, Brian

  3. Carrizales,Oscar

  4. Carroll,Anna

  5. Carroll,Ronald

  6. Carson,Shawn

  7. Carter, Damon

  8. Carter, Patrick

  9. Carter, Wesley

  10. Carter,Eric

  11. Carter,James

  12. Carter,Leeann

  13. Carter,Nathanael

  14. Carter,Richard

  15. Casanova, Andrew

  16. Case,David

  17. Casey, Jason

  18. Casey,Ryan

  19. Cashmore, Michael

  20. Casil,Tracy

  21. Casper,Ryan

  22. Cassano,Carrie

  23. Cassano,Nicholas















































  1. Cassidy, Amy

  2. Cassidy, Thomas

  3. Cassidy,Brett

  4. Castaldini, Remigio

  5. Castaneda,Gabriel

  6. Castellano, Nanci

  7. Castellanos,Johnothan

  8. Castor,Stephen

  9. Cathey,Wayne

  10. Cato,Marvin

  11. Cauich,Michael

  12. Caulfield,Michael

  13. Causey, Benjamin

  14. Causey, Krystal

  15. Cavallaro, Rocco

  16. Chamberlain,Dana

  17. Champion,Erica

  18. Chandler, Matthew

  19. Chang, Christina

  20. Chapman, Laura

  21. Chapman,Matthew

  22. Chapman,Ryan

  23. Charlton,Michael















































  1. Chavira,Marcos

  2. Cheatham, Melody

  3. Chemotti,Doreen

  4. Chetta, Gaetano

  5. Chevola,Nicholas

  6. Chrisman,David

  7. Christensen,Timothy

  8. Christianson, Shawn

  9. Christmas,Frances

  10. Christy, Christopher

  11. Chrouser, Andrea

  12. Chupp, Zachary

  13. Church,Kenneth

  14. Ciappa,Joseph

  15. Cieslinski,Andrew

  16. Cindrich,Darrell

  17. Cipriano,Brian

  18. Cirrincione, John

  19. Citrolo,Michael

  20. Clark, Nolan

  21. Clark, Zachary

  22. Clark,Arielle

  23. Clark,Brian















































  1. Clark,Jonathan

  2. Clark,Jordan

  3. Clark,Nicholas

  4. Clarke, William

  5. Clarke,Michael

  6. Claus,William

  7. Clayton, Scott

  8. Clearwater, Danielle

  9. Cleasby,Jeffrey

  10. Cleveland,Allen

  11. Click,Clint

  12. Click,Zachary

  13. Clifton, Brian

  14. Clogston, Troy

  15. Clouse,James

  16. Cloutier,Jonathan

  17. Clute,Mark

  18. Coates,Barry

  19. Coats,Donald

  20. Cochran,Matthew

  21. Coeyman,Kevin

  22. Cofell,Christopher

  23. Coffey,Nicole















































  1. Cohen, Adam

  2. Cohen, Jonathan

  3. Colan,Matthew

  4. Colasanto,Calvin

  5. Cole,Jay

  6. Cole,Todd

  7. Coleman, Toni

  8. Coleman,Adam

  9. Collins, Chadwick

  10. Collins,Clifford

  11. Collins,Dennis

  12. Collins,Kyle

  13. Collison, Daniel

  14. Colomo,Ryan

  15. Compton, Tommy

  16. Conde,Scott

  17. Condon, Kevin

  18. Cone,Daniel

  19. Conklin, Ryan

  20. Conklin,Daniel

  21. Conley,Brandon

  22. Conley,Matthew

  23. Connell,David















































  1. Connell,Zachariah

  2. Conner,Dustin

  3. Contreras,Tomas

  4. Cook, Amanda

  5. Cook, Cale

  6. Cook, Jody

  7. Cook,Benjamin

  8. Cook,Brittany

  9. Cook,Jessica

  10. Cook,Jonathan

  11. Cooke, Robert

  12. Coombs, Luke

  13. Cooper,Caleb

  14. Cooper,Daniel

  15. Cooper,Joshua

  16. Cooper,Justin

  17. Cooper,Kathryn

  18. Cope,Alexander

  19. Copeland, Ken Tavia

  20. Copeland,Claudine

  21. Copes,Francis

  22. Copping, Jeffrey

  23. Corcoran,Frank















































  1. Cordova,Jennifer

  2. Cordovano,Charles

  3. Corley,Christopher

  4. Corley,Ryan

  5. Cornett,Scott

  6. Correia,Daniel

  7. Cortina,Deborah

  8. Cosentini,Steven

  9. Cosgrove,Joshua

  10. Cottrell, Clinton

  11. Coudurier,Isaac

  12. Coughlin,Mark

  13. Coulter,Gregory

  14. Couper,Todd

  15. Courter, Brian

  16. Cousins,Phillip

  17. Cowan, Amanda

  18. Cowan, Michael

  19. Cowley,Brendan

  20. Cox,Brian

  21. Coyne,Kevin

  22. Crabtree,Steven

  23. Craft,Charles















































  1. Craig,Danny

  2. Craig,Jad

  3. Crain,Alexis

  4. Crain,Tyler

  5. Crawford, Maximilian

  6. Creech,Jason

  7. Criss,Daniel

  8. Crocker,Sally

  9. Crotty,Brendan

  10. Crowhurst,Kevin

  11. Crump, Jasmine

  12. Crumrine, Matthew

  13. Cruz,Rebekah

  14. Cseri,Michael

  15. Cuevas, Luz

  16. Cummins,Christopher

  17. Cummo, Jeremy

  18. Cunday,Dean

  19. Cunnard,John

  20. Cunningham, John

  21. Cunningham, Patrick

  22. Cunningham,David

  23. Cunningham,Lisa















































  1. Curcie,William

  2. Currie, Richard

  3. Currier, Kenneth

  4. Curry,Michael

  5. Curtis, Joshua

  6. Cutler, Russell

  7. Dabenigno, Jason

  8. Dacey,Christopher

  9. Dahlstrom,Raymond

  10. Dale,Elizabeth

  11. Dale,Matthew

  12. Dallas, Andrew

  13. Dalton,Brandon

  14. D’Amour, Timothy

  15. Damron,Phillip

  16. Daniel,Chad

  17. Daniel,Robert

  18. Daniels, Dustie

  19. Daniels,Nicholas

  20. Danielson,Curtis

  21. Dansro,Wayne

  22. D’Antonio, Nicholas

  23. D’Antonio,Matthew















































  1. Darrington,Levi

  2. Daughenbaugh,Gregory

  3. Daughenbaugh,Natasha

  4. Daugherty,Joshua

  5. Davids,Cory

  6. Davis, James

  7. Davis, Joel

  8. Davis, Scott

  9. Davis,Cody

  10. Davis,Jake

  11. Davis,James

  12. Davis,Jami

  13. Davis,Jeffrey

  14. Davis,John

  15. Davis,Jonathan

  16. Davis,Mark

  17. Davis,Matthew

  18. Davis,Thayer

  19. Davison,Kevin

  20. Davitt, Steven

  21. Davoli,James

  22. Dawson, Brooke

  23. Day, Andrew















































  1. Day,Angelyn

  2. Day,Stephen

  3. Dayton,Steven

  4. De Jesus, David

  5. De La Pena,David

  6. De la Torre, Michael

  7. De Roda,Edward

  8. De Salvo,Rocco

  9. De Witte,Paul

  10. Dean, Matthew

  11. Deaton, Timothy

  12. Deatrick,Terry

  13. Decrans,Luke

  14. Deeter,Scott

  15. DeGrammont,Patrick

  16. Del Sarto, Ross

  17. Deland,Ryan

  18. Delano,Brandin

  19. DeLaurentis, Steven

  20. Delise,Justin

  21. Dellacamera,John

  22. Demater, Kevin

  23. DeMore,Nicholas















































  1. Denham,Corey

  2. Denmeade, Drew

  3. Densmore,Cameron

  4. DePauw, Stefan

  5. Depinto,Giuseppe

  6. Deplasco, Kaitlyn

  7. Deren,Brian

  8. Dernoga, Jessica

  9. Desiderio,Charles

  10. Desmond,Raymond

  11. Dethloff, Jonathan

  12. Devine,Christopher

  13. Devine,Kelly

  14. DeWaal,Patrick

  15. Dewey, Jon

  16. Dewey,William

  17. Deznan,Patricia

  18. Diamond, Jeffrey

  19. Diaz, Jose

  20. Diaz, Rafael

  21. Diaz,Luis

  22. Diaz,Mario

  23. Dickinson, Michael















































  1. Dickinson, Ross

  2. Didio, Anthony

  3. DiDominicus, Ryan

  4. DiDonato,Joseph

  5. Dietrich,Chace

  6. Diez,Jamie

  7. Dillman,Matthew

  8. Dillon, Jeffrey

  9. Dillon,Jeffrey

  10. Dillon,Michael

  11. DiPalmo,Mark

  12. Dippe,Matthew

  13. Dittamo,Scott

  14. Dixon,Aaron

  15. Dixon,David

  16. Dixon,George

  17. Do,Brian

  18. Doak, Preston

  19. Doak,Richard

  20. Doan,Brian

  21. Dobbins,Michael

  22. Dobis,Michael

  23. Dobso, Michael















































  1. Dobso,Justin

  2. Doheny,Nicholas

  3. Dolbee,Christopher

  4. Dolney, Jason

  5. Domen, Vincent

  6. Domini,Erin

  7. Donahue,Julianna

  8. Dondiego,Blaine

  9. Donnelly,Kevin

  10. Donovan, Gregory

  11. Donovan, Richard

  12. Doss, William

  13. Doss,Jason

  14. Dossing,James

  15. Doster,Ashley

  16. Doublet,Dar

  17. Doud,Vincent

  18. Dougherty, Kevin

  19. Douglas, Mitchell

  20. Dowd,Patrick

  21. Downie,Dean

  22. Downs, Brian

  23. Dracker, Peter















































  1. Drasin,Jeffrey

  2. Draves,Joseph

  3. Dresow,Jason

  4. Dressler,Michael

  5. Driggers, James

  6. Drinkall, Cole

  7. Driscoll, Michael

  8. Driscoll,Sean

  9. Dritlein,Ryan

  10. Driver,Johnnie

  11. Drobek,Craig

  12. Drose,Randolph

  13. Droz, Jean

  14. Drury, Andrew

  15. Dual, Erik

  16. Dube, Adam

  17. Duckworth,Jeffrey

  18. Dudding, Dallas

  19. Dudding,Rachel

  20. Duff,Douglas

  21. Duffie,Christopher

  22. Dukeman,David

  23. Dumas,George















































  1. Dunaway, Jason

  2. Duncan, Jeffrey

  3. Duncan, Tiffany

  4. Dunhom,Michael

  5. Dunlap,Kelli

  6. Dunne, Gregory

  7. Dupuy,Keith

  8. Duran, Devin

  9. Durbin,Ronald

  10. Durham, Thomas

  11. Durrant,Brandon

  12. DuSchane, Michael

  13. Dussault,Zachary

  14. Dutcheshen,Matthew

  15. Dutschke, Seth

  16. Dwyer,Peter

  17. Dyckman,James

  18. Dyer,Cristina

  19. Dyke,David

  20. Dzindzio,Mark

  21. Eades,Bradley

  22. Earl,Richard

  23. Earle,Connie















































  1. Eastham,James

  2. Ebert,Timothy

  3. Eckert,Bradley

  4. Eckman,Justin

  5. Eddy,Michelle

  6. Edenfield,Rey

  7. Edmonds,Deanna

  8. Edney,Erik

  9. Eiben,Ronald

  10. Eidam,Devin

  11. Eike, Kale

  12. Eilertson, Kirk

  13. Einhart, Matthew

  14. Eiserer,Christopher

  15. Eisman, James

  16. Eldridge, Randy

  17. Eldridge,Alan

  18. Eley,Willard

  19. Elliason,James

  20. Ellington,Matthew

  21. Elliotte, Brian

  22. Elms,Scott

  23. Elrod, Daniel















































  1. Emberland,Gregory

  2. Embree, Erik

  3. Emge,Barry

  4. Engelstad,Andrew

  5. Englestead,Patrick

  6. English,Derrick

  7. Enis, Gary

  8. Ennis,Nicholas

  9. Ensign,Mark

  10. Epps,Kenyall

  11. Erb,Emily

  12. Erickson,Dustin

  13. Erikson,Jordan

  14. Erwin,Chase

  15. Espe,Kristi

  16. Estes,Joshua

  17. Estupinan,Christopher

  18. Eustace, Justin

  19. Evangelista, Raynaldo

  20. Evans, Christopher

  21. Evans, Elizabeth

  22. Evans,Ephraim

  23. Evans,Ryan















































  1. Evans-Kaplan,Richard

  2. Everhart,Greg

  3. Everhart,Patrick

  4. Ewings,Donte

  5. Fabarez,Adam

  6. Fabisch,Michelle

  7. Fagre, Louis

  8. Faile, Timothy

  9. Fair,Andrew

  10. Falla, Justin

  11. Fanberg,Ryan

  12. Farley, Geoffrey

  13. Farmer,Patrick

  14. Farrow,Scott

  15. Faught, Steven

  16. Faulks,Damien

  17. Feldt,Jon

  18. Fellner, Mark

  19. Felser, Kenneth

  20. Felser,Jason

  21. Felton,Jenifer

  22. Felton,Richard

  23. Felty, Paul















































  1. Fennell,James

  2. Fenstermaker,David

  3. Ferdinandi, Louis

  4. Ferganchick,Lucas

  5. Ferlito,Daniele

  6. Ferrell,Stacy

  7. Ferro,Christine

  8. Ferro,Nicholas

  9. Fiedler, Kyle

  10. Fielding, Andrew

  11. Fielek,Travis

  12. Fierro,Joseph

  13. Fike,Shawn

  14. Finch,Adam

  15. Fingers, Nolan

  16. Finkbeiner,Joshua

  17. Finn, Jennifer

  18. Finn,Thomas

  19. Fiorentino,John

  20. Fiorilli,Joseph

  21. Fiorilli,Katherine

  22. Fisher,Matthew

  23. Fisher,Stephen















































  1. Fishman, David

  2. Fitzgerald, Sean

  3. Fitzpatrick,Seth

  4. Flanagan, Susan

  5. Flanary, Thomas

  6. Flatt, David

  7. Fleenor,Chelsea

  8. Fleetwood,Gregory

  9. Florence,Larry

  10. Flores,Christopher

  11. Flores,Glenn

  12. Flores,Larry

  13. Flores,Nicholas

  14. Flynn, Stefanie

  15. Focarelli,Nicholas

  16. Foley,Matthew

  17. Folker,David

  18. Folsom, Deanna

  19. Ford,Matthew

  20. Forster,Chad

  21. Foss,Cody

  22. Foster, Richard

  23. Foster,Thomas















































  1. Fowers,Seth

  2. Fox,Benjamin

  3. Fox,John

  4. Fox,Meredith

  5. Fox,Mitchell

  6. Fox,Virginia

  7. Foxwell, Aaron

  8. Foxworth,Curtis

  9. Frame,Taryn

  10. France, Stacy

  11. Francis,Albert

  12. Francis,Duane

  13. Francis,George

  14. Francis,Jacob

  15. Franco, Francesca

  16. Frank,Jaimee

  17. Frank,Kevin

  18. Franklin,Antonio

  19. Frascella,Lawrence

  20. Fratticci, Sara

  21. Frederick,Mark

  22. Fredricksen,Heather

  23. Freeman,Michael















































  1. Freitas,Jose

  2. Fricke, Craig

  3. Fridgen, Mathias

  4. Fritz, Allen

  5. Frolio, Anthony

  6. Fruge,Christopher

  7. Frye,Michael

  8. Fuchs,Amanda

  9. Fuentes,Favis

  10. Fuentes,Rodolfo

  11. Fuhrman,James

  12. Funari,Robert

  13. Funkhouser,Joseph

  14. Futrell,Blake

  15. Gable,Lisa

  16. Gable,Nathaniel

  17. Gailey,Megan

  18. Galante,Frank

  19. Galasso,Steven

  20. Galenzoga,Sean

  21. Galiant,Bogdan

  22. Gallagher,Patrick

  23. Gallagher,Patrick















































  1. Gallant,Christopher

  2. Galofaro,Anthony

  3. Gambino, Joseph

  4. Gamel, James

  5. Garay,Justin

  6. Garcia, Bruno

  7. Garcia,Alberto

  8. Garcia-Barbon, Daniel

  9. Garcia-Roldos,Victor

  10. Gardell,Lisa

  11. Gardetto,Michael

  12. Gardner,Brian

  13. Gardner,Darrell

  14. Garland,Kendell

  15. Garner, John

  16. Garner,Luke

  17. Garrett, Brent

  18. Garrett, Teri

  19. Garrett,John

  20. Garrido, Jesse

  21. Garrity, Christopher

  22. Gaskins,Dustin

  23. Gauch, Pamela















































  1. Gavrilellis, Stavros

  2. Gawrys, Robert

  3. Geary, Albert

  4. Gebhardt,Alexander

  5. Gebhart,Erin

  6. Geer,Christopher

  7. Geimke,Mark

  8. Geisse,Philip

  9. Genners,Christopher

  10. Gentry, William

  11. George,Sara

1000. Georgell,Scott

1001. Gerry, Vincent

1002. Gervais, Wade

1003. Gerwig Dixon,Diana

1004. Gessel,Aaron

1005. Getchman,Brittany

1006. Gettler, Joseph

1007. Geyer,Ronald

1008. Ghaffari,Hamid

1009. Ghetti, Morgan

1010. Gibbs,Carl

1011. Gibson,Charles















































1012. Gibson,Ryan

1013. Giddens, Stephen

1014. Gifford,Michael

1015. Gilbert, Cheryl

1016. Gilbert, Joseph

1017. Gilbert,John

1018. Gilday,David

1019. Gilde,William

1020. Gildehaus,Jodie

1021. Gildner,Christopher

1022. Gildner,Francis

1023. Giles,Christopher

1024. Giles,Jeffrey

1025. Giles,Roger

1026. Gill, James

1027. Gill, Rick

1028. Gillam,Kelli

1029. Gillem,Kevin

1030. Gillies,Michael

1031. Gillis, Carl

1032. Gills,Kara

1033. Gilmer,James

1034. Gilmore,Justin















































1035. Gingrich,Aaron

1036. Gioia, Vito

1037. Giuliano,Vincent

1038. Glass, Kenneth

1039. Glazer, Jason

1040. Gleason,Joshua

1041. Glenn, Jimmy

1042. Glenn,William

1043. Glore, Natalie

1044. Glover,Seth

1045. Goad, Erick

1046. Godfrey,Eric

1047. Goetsch,Aaron

1048. Goetz,Westin

1049. Goetzke,Joseph

1050. Goff, Brian

1051. Goff, Rebecca

1052. Goico,Karla

1053. Golder,Brian

1054. Goldsby,Daniel

1055. Gonzalez,Brenda

1056. Goodwin,Ryan

1057. Gordon,Marlon















































1058. Gordon,Timothy

1059. Gorman, Karoline

1060. Gorman, Rachel

1061. Gorman,Christopher

1062. Gormas,Bradley

1063. Gorpinyuk,Arthur

1064. Gorrell,Danielle

1065. Gosda, Scott

1066. Gosseling, Joshua

1067. Gould,Brittanie

1068. Gould,Michael

1069. Graessle, Gregory

1070. Graham, Brian

1071. Graham, Michael

1072. Graham,Aaron

1073. Graham,Jessica

1074. Grampp,Sarah

1075. Granadillo, Miguel

1076. Grant, Dacus

1077. Graves, Andre

1078. Gray, Jason

1079. Gray, Thomas

1080. Gray,Michael















































1081. Gray,Shane

1082. Graziano, Anthony

1083. Green,Brandon

1084. Green,Geoffrey

1085. Greene,Jeremiah

1086. Greenwood,Aaron

1087. Gregg,Jared

1088. Grenert,John

1089. Grenier,Jonathan

1090. Grider,Brian

1091. Griek,William

1092. Gries,Mark

1093. Griest,Justin

1094. Griffin, David

1095. Griffin,Glenn

1096. Groce,Darren

1097. Groceman, Sean

1098. Gronhovd, Holly

1099. Groom,Mark

1100. Gross,Bradley

1101. Grossman,Bryan

1102. Grote,Christopher

1103. Groves, Christopher















































1104. Grubbs,Jesse

1105. Gruters, Jeffrey

1106. G’sell, David

1107. Guaglione,Donato

1108. Guardino,Robert

1109. Guild,Steven

1110. Guiles,Blake

1111. Guilkey, Alissa

1112. Gunn, Seth

1113. Gunnels,Edward

1114. Gunnels,Garrett

1115. Gussett,Charles

1116. Guyton, Christian

1117. Haag, Craig

1118. Hadzick,Christopher

1119. Haefner, Amelia

1120. Haentjens,Walter

1121. Hagarty,Michael

1122. Hager,Michelle

1123. Hagstrom,Karen

1124. Hagstrom,Nicholas

1125. Hahn,Joshua

1126. Hahn,Stuart















































1127. Haight,Sara

1128. Haines,William

1129. Haire,Steven

1130. Haislett,Jeffrey

1131. Halcomb,Michael

1132. Halkey,Jennifer

1133. Hall, Edward

1134. Hall, Jared

1135. Hall, Jason

1136. Hall,Eric

1137. Hall,James

1138. Hall,Luke

1139. Hall,Patrick

1140. Hallman,Michael

1141. Haltom,Jamaal

1142. Hamann,Kevin

1143. Hameister,Andrew

1144. Hamilton, Derrick

1145. Hamilton, James

1146. Hamilton, Richard

1147. Hamilton, Sueanne

1148. Hamilton,Michael

1149. Hammerle,Brian















































1150. Hampton,Ryan

1151. Hanes, Matthew

1152. Hanlin,Kyle

1153. Hanlon,Michael

1154. Hanna, Stephen

1155. Hanna,Mark

1156. Hanner,Todd

1157. Hannon,Stacy

1158. Hansen, Paul

1159. Hansen, Steven

1160. Hansen,Jennifer

1161. Hansen,Timothy

1162. Hansmann,Ana

1163. Hanson,Raymond

1164. Harcula,Brian

1165. Hardesty, James

1166. Hardiman,Matthew

1167. Hardison, Charles

1168. Hardy, Carlton

1169. Harkey,Samuel

1170. Harman,Stuart

1171. Harness,David

1172. Harp,Jessica















































1173. Harper, Caleb

1174. Harper,Matthew

1175. Harper,Travis

1176. Harrah,Robert

1177. Harrington,Gregory

1178. Harris,Brian

1179. Harris,Christopher

1180. Harris,Clinton

1181. Harris,Colin

1182. Harris,Jayson

1183. Harris,Kevin

1184. Harris,Kristin

1185. Harris,Mark

1186. Harris,Matthew

1187. Harris,Nicholas

1188. Harris,Sarah

1189. Harrison,Richard

1190. Harry,Isadore

1191. Harsey, Jeffrey

1192. Hart,Natalie

1193. Harten,Patrick

1194. Hartman, Brian

1195. Hartman, Sean















































1196. Hartman,Derek

1197. Hartsoe,Steven

1198. Harvey,Daniel

1199. Harvey,Jacob

1200. Harvey,Jordan

1201. Harvey,Matthew

1202. Hashimoto,Kevin

1203. Haskell,Michael

1204. Hassen,Mark

1205. Hassler,Patrick

1206. Hastings,Christopher

1207. Hatch,Ryan

1208. Hatcher, Bradley

1209. Hatcher,Travis

1210. Hatchett,Owen

1211. Hateau, Bryan

1212. Hau,Cau

1213. Hauck,Toby

1214. Haupert, Chad

1215. Haupert,Amy

1216. Haupt, Daniel

1217. Hauseman,David

1218. Havens,Arnold















































1219. Hawkes,Andrew

1220. Hawley, Alexander

1221. Hay,Whitney

1222. Hayes,Michael

1223. Haynes, Karl

1224. Haynes,Megan

1225. Hays,Joel

1226. Headley,Megan

1227. Headrick,Michael

1228. Heale, Joseph

1229. Heath,Chad

1230. Heath,James

1231. Hedberg,Garon

1232. Hedeen, Thomas

1233. Hedrick,Zachary

1234. Hefferon, Ercileen

1235. Heffley,Kenneth

1236. Heflin,Brian

1237. Hehir,Ryan

1238. Heilman,Christopher

1239. Helaire,Brodrick

1240. Helling,Charles

1241. Helm, Adam















































1242. Helmig, Lewis

1243. Hemple,Troy

1244. Henderlight,Nickalos

1245. Henderson,Keith

1246. Hendrickson, Nathan

1247. Hendrickson,Brian

1248. Hendrickson,Cory

1249. Henley,Kyle

1250. Henline, Dusti

1251. Hennek,Andrew

1252. Hennen,Dustin

1253. Hennig,James

1254. Henrickson,Adam

1255. Henriques, Julio

1256. Henry,Christopher

1257. Henry,Grant

1258. Herazo, Albert

1259. Herdey,Jared

1260. Hermann,Hynek

1261. Hermanson,Mark

1262. Hernandez, Robert

1263. Herr, Shawn

1264. Herr,Frank















































1265. Herrera,Joseph

1266. Herrera,Vincente

1267. Herrick,Ryan

1268. Hesse,Paul

1269. Hession,Nathan

1270. Hewitt,Robert

1271. Heyman,Kyle

1272. Hibbs,Danielle

1273. Hicks,Jared

1274. Hicks-Perry, LaShana

1275. Hidalgo,Brian

1276. Hidinger,Chad

1277. Hiemenz,Chad

1278. Higgins,Justin

1279. Hildenbrand,Kristen

1280. Hill, Chad

1281. Hill,Andrew

1282. Hill,Bradley

1283. Hill,Brian

1284. Hillis,Megan

1285. Hilt,Bradley

1286. Hilton,Dennis

1287. Hilton,Lisa















































1288. Hindman,Kevin

1289. Hinebaugh,Donald

1290. Hines,Jonathan

1291. Hines,Mark

1292. Hink,Justin

1293. Hinkle, Christopher

1294. Hinson,William

1295. Hintz,Graham

1296. Hinze,Karry

1297. Hipsher,Jordan

1298. Hirsch, Jeremy

1299. Hirst, Charles

1300. Hlavacek, Kevin

1301. Hlavka,John

1302. Hodapp,Christian 1303. Hoffmann III, John 1304. Hogan,Patrick

1305. Hohisel,Matthew

1306. Hoidal,Tristan

1307. Holderby,Seth

1308. Hollar,Jill

1309. Holliday,Andrew

1310. Holt, Joe















































1311. Holt, Valerie

1312. Holt,Michael

1313. Holz,Bradley

1314. Hommowun,Stephen

1315. Honan, Galen

1316. Honzik,Jake

1317. Hoppe,John

1318. Hopson,Daniel

1319. Horace, Kevin

1320. Horie, Sean

1321. Hornak, Paul

1322. Horne,Andrew

1323. Horne,Craig

1324. Horton, Trevor

1325. Houghton,Matthew

1326. House, Stanley

1327. Housworth,Dru

1328. Howard Shapiro,Amanda

1329. Howard, Alan

1330. Howard, Sean

1331. Howard,Sean

1332. Howell,Eric

1333. Howell,John















































1334. Hoyos, Santiago

1335. Hubbard,Evan

1336. Huber,Scott

1337. Huck, Krystal

1338. Huckaby,Bryan

1339. Hudak, Benjamin

1340. Hudson,James

1341. Huffman, Douglas

1342. Hughes, Blakely

1343. Hughes,Jeffrey

1344. Hughes,Ryan

1345. Hughes,Stephen

1346. Hulet,Zachary

1347. Hull,Michael

1348. Hultgren, Ryan

1349. Hults,Sharon

1350. Humes, Tucker

1351. Humpal,Adam

1352. Humphries,Jennifer

1353. Hung,Allan

1354. Hunniford,Ralf

1355. Hunt, David

1356. Hunter,James















































1357. Hurd,Casandra

1358. Hurd,Reese

1359. Hurd,Timothy

1360. Hurley,Patrick

1361. Husom,Justin

1362. Hutcherson, Christopher

1363. Hutchings,Zachary

1364. Hutchison,Fenton

1365. Hutson,Jeffrey

1366. Huttenga,Alex

1367. Hyde,Adam

1368. Hyte, Samuel

1369. Hyter, Quenton

1370. Ienna,Michael

1371. Induisi,John

1372. Inman,Jimmy

1373. Innocent,Christopher

1374. Ip, Lily

1375. Iresabal, Christopher

1376. Iresabal, Jessica

1377. Irving, Amanda

1378. Iverson,Andrea

1379. Ivy,Morgan















































1380. Jackson,Elisa

1381. Jackson,Jacob

1382. Jacobi,Scott

1383. Jacobs, Kurt

1384. Jacobson, Steven

1385. Jahnke,Keith

1386. Jaimes,Andrew

1387. Jain, Alok

1388. James,Audrey

1389. James,Jacob

1390. Jamison,Blake

1391. Jamotta,Theresa

1392. Jantz,Michael

1393. Japel, John

1394. Jarmulowicz,Paul

1395. Jarr,Christopher

1396. Jean,Andre

1397. Jefferson,Weston

1398. Jeffrey,Scott

1399. Jeffries,Scott

1400. Jenkins, Martin

1401. Jennett, Megan

1402. Jessee,Benjamin















































1403. Jestila,Lindsay

1404. Jestila,Timothy

1405. Jewell,Aaron

1406. Jimenez,Manuel

1407. Jimenez,Ryan

1408. Joffe,Alan

1409. Joga, Jose

1410. Johnsen,John

1411. Johnson, Joseph

1412. Johnson, Taryn

1413. Johnson,Adam

1414. Johnson,Chad

1415. Johnson,Christine

1416. Johnson,Dawn

1417. Johnson,Dion

1418. Johnson,Ellen

1419. Johnson,Eric

1420. Johnson,Kent

1421. Johnson,Matthew

1422. Johnson,Nicholas

1423. Johnson,Ryan

1424. Johnson,Sylvia

1425. Johnson-















































Gerpheide,Christian 1426. Johnston,Chase

1427. Johnston,Jerry

1428. Johnston,Nicole

1429. Jojola,Christopher

1430. Jones, Alan

1431. Jones, Christopher

1432. Jones, Durwin

1433. Jones, Garret

1434. Jones, Robert

1435. Jones, Timothy

1436. Jones, Tracey

1437. Jones,Adam

1438. Jones,Justin

1439. Jones,Melissa

1440. Jones,Michael

1441. Jones,Robert

1442. Jordan,David

1443. Jorge, Joseph

1444. Joseph, Rebecca

1445. Jubeck, Christopher

1446. Juday,Thomas

1447. Juez, Amy















































1448. Juez, Eduardo

1449. Julianna,Dennis

1450. Junkas, Michael

1451. Jurczyk,Christopher

1452. Kamakahi, Jazmine

1453. Kane,Sean

1454. Kareff,Roburt

1455. Karl,James

1456. Karpen,Leonard

1457. Karsten,Mary

1458. Kasal, Brian

1459. Kasevich, Joshua

1460. Kaszer,Nicholas

1461. Katsamakis, George

1462. Katt, Amy

1463. Kauffman, Joy

1464. Kavoosi,Jerah

1465. Kavoosi,Ryan

1466. Kaye, Christine

1467. Kaye,Ryan

1468. Kearney, Patrick

1469. Keeling, Michael

1470. Keeling, Paul















































1471. Keeney,William

1472. Keever,Dallas

1473. Kellar,David

1474. Kellenberger, Chad

1475. Kelley,Ian

1476. Kelley-Marino,Susan

1477. Kelly,Daniel

1478. Kelly,David

1479. Kelly,Jonathan

1480. Kelly,Paul

1481. Kendzierski,Crystal

1482. Kennard,Tyler

1483. Kennedy,Timothy

1484. Kennedy,Warren

1485. Kennel,Matthew

1486. Kern, Paul

1487. Kerr,Robert

1488. Keyes,Christopher

1489. Kick, Kara

1490. Kick, Kurtis

1491. Kicklighter,John

1492. Kidd,Jenna

1493. Kidd,Robert















































1494. Kildow,Ryan

1495. Kilgore,Matthew

1496. Killian,Christopher

1497. Killoren,Edward

1498. Kilpatrick,David

1499. Kim,Paul

1500. Kimball,Ronald

1501. King, Aleece

1502. King, Daniel

1503. King, Stephen

1504. King,Eustace

1505. King,Lisa

1506. King,Michael

1507. King,Tiffany

1508. Kinney,Andrew

1509. Kirby,William

1510. Kirk,Khristyne

1511. Kirkes, Daniel

1512. Kirner, Eric

1513. Kirner,Eric

1514. Kittrell, Brian

1515. Kladder,Matthew

1516. Klein, Michael















































1517. Kleine,Christopher

1518. Klender,Eric

1519. Klimes, Joseph

1520. Knapp,Derek

1521. Knorrek,Nathan

1522. Knoth,Christopher

1523. Knox,Lindsey

1524. Knuckey,James

1525. Knudsen, Jason

1526. Koba,Gregory

1527. Koch,James

1528. Koegl,Carolyn

1529. Koehn,Gustave

1530. Koerting, David

1531. Koester,Matthew

1532. Koffler,Jeffrey

1533. Kojali, Christopher

1534. Kolesnikov,Jessica

1535. Kolodka,Richard

1536. Konosky,Paul

1537. Koopman, Bryan

1538. Kooren,Derek

1539. Kopala,Michael















































1540. Kordes,Scott

1541. Korf, Ethan

1542. Korody, Timothy

1543. Korzeniowski,Konrad

1544. Kostuck, Donald

1545. Kotowski,Daniel

1546. Kotsokalis,Peter

1547. Koury, Charles

1548. Kraft,Kyle

1549. Krainak, Timothy

1550. Krajacic,Nicolas

1551. Krampovitis, Bryan

1552. Kratzner,Erik

1553. Krenke,Justin

1554. Krepps, Craig

1555. Kreutzer,Jonathan

1556. Krutz,Devon

1557. Kubis, Justin

1558. Kuehle,Stuart

1559. Kueper, Charles

1560. Kuhl, Cary

1561. Kuhlman,Kimberly

1562. Kuhn, Laura















































1563. Kumor, Colin

1564. Kunkler,Jamie

1565. Kunst, Michael

1566. Kunz, Eric

1567. Kunz,Jay

1568. Kurtz,James

1569. Kurtz,Matthew

1570. Kutsch, Tracy

1571. Kutschbach, Ryan

1572. La Touche,Jael

1573. Lachioma,David

1574. Lachniet, David

1575. LaCosse,Scott

1576. Laden,Michael

1577. Laffey,Philip

1578. Lager,Zachary

1579. Laing, William

1580. Lambert, Joseph

1581. Lamoureux,Kenneth

1582. Lamparter,Aaron

1583. Lana,Scott

1584. Land,Danielle

1585. Land,Edgar















































1586. Landrum, Tara

1587. Lane,Conan

1588. Lane,Stephen

1589. Lannom, Lloyd

1590. Lansdell,Tony

1591. Lanyon,Drew

1592. Lanzafame, Joseph

1593. Lanzetta,Joseph

1594. Lapar,Katherine

1595. Larosa, John

1596. Larsen, Val

1597. Larson, Erik

1598. Larson, Jon

1599. Larson,Brent

1600. Larson,Gunnar

1601. Larson,James-Douglas

1602. Larson,Jeffrey

1603. Larson,Mikeal

1604. Larson,Nancy

1605. Larson,Scott

1606. Lasecki, Robert

1607. Lasko, Robert

1608. Latimer,Benjamin















































1609. Laubach,Kristen

1610. LaVelle,Todd

1611. Lawler,Kyle

1612. Lawrence, Melissa

1613. Lawrence,Phillip

1614. Lawrenz,Preston

1615. Leach,Matthew

1616. Leach,Vivian

1617. Leavitt,Christopher

1618. Lebda,Thomas

1619. Leblanc,Ian

1620. Leblanc,Logan

1621. Leclerc,Austin

1622. Lee,Jeremiah

1623. Lefebvre,Thomas

1624. Leftwich,Tyrin

1625. Legarreta Vargas,Gabriel

1626. Leicht,Joseph

1627. Lennox,John

1628. Leon,Trevor

1629. Leonard,Staci

1630. Leong, Michael

1631. Leonowicz, Steven















































1632. Leppert, Andrew

1633. Lesniak,Thomas

1634. Lesondak,Ryan

1635. Letart,Eric

1636. Leung, Jonathan

1637. Levesque, Zachary

1638. Levine, Brian

1639. Levine,Ian

1640. Levy, Christopher

1641. Lewallen, Thomas

1642. Lewandowski,Joseph

1643. Lewellyn,Travis

1644. Lewis,Brandon

1645. Lewis,David

1646. Lewis,Deandre

1647. Lewis,Ryan

1648. Liberty, Brian

1649. Liestman,Adam

1650. Lilly,Ryan

1651. Limongelli,James

1652. Linam,Paul

1653. Lind,Ryan

1654. Lindauer,Curt















































1655. Lindblom,Cory

1656. Lindbo,Matthew

1657. Linder,Marcia

1658. Lindland,Erinn

1659. Lindsey, Russell

1660. Lindsey,Daniel

1661. Lindsey,Jenifer

1662. Lindsey,Richard

1663. Lindstrom, Paul

1664. Lindwarm,Jeffrey

1665. Lingle,Crystal

1666. Links,Bernard

1667. Lipkin-Moore,Joshua

1668. Lipske,Joseph

1669. Listinsky,Jared

1670. Lithander,Caleb

1671. Little,Jeffery

1672. Little,Robert

1673. Litwin,Jeffrey

1674. Liu,Martin

1675. Lizzul,John

1676. Ljunggren,Christie

1677. Lluch, Miguel















































1678. Lobdell,Jennifer

1679. Lockhart, Tyler

1680. Locklin Shuman,Julie

1681. Lofquest, Justin

1682. Logan,Kyle

1683. Long,Anastasia

1684. Longmore,James

1685. Longworth,Todd

1686. Lookabill,Scott

1687. Loomis, Rory

1688. Looney,James

1689. Lopez, Amanda

1690. Lopez, David

1691. Lopez,Anthony

1692. Lopez,Gustavo

1693. Lopez,John

1694. Lopez,Kaylin

1695. Lor,Joua

1696. Lorden, Zachary

1697. Lorenz,Zachary

1698. Loucks,Richard

1699. Lout,Ronald

1700. Love,Dominick















































1701. Loveless,Justin

1702. Lovetro,Catherine

1703. Lovett, James

1704. Lowery,Brian

1705. Lowther, Cynthia

1706. Lucas, Kofi

1707. Lucherini, Seth

1708. Lucia,Anthony

1709. Lucier, Christian

1710. Lucketta, Christine

1711. Luetke,Scott

1712. Lujan,Christopher

1713. Lukart,Jarred

1714. Lund,Steven

1715. Lyle,Devin

1716. Lyman Soler, Shannon 1717. Lyman, Eric

1718. Macarthur, Kevin

1719. Macchiaroli, John

1720. MacDonald, Ian

1721. Maciulewicz, George

1722. Mackanych, Oleg

1723. Macke, Desiree’















































1724. Mackesey, Aaron

1725. Mackey,Sean

1726. Macomber, Stephen

1727. Macomber,William

1728. Macoy,Sean

1729. Madera, Shawn

1730. Magnuson,Margo

1731. Maier,Benjamin

1732. Mailes,Timothy

1733. Mainer, George

1734. Maisch, Scott

1735. Majoros, Evan 1736. Makinen, Keri Ann 1737. Malcott, Garrett

1738. Malcovsky,Angela

1739. Maldonado, Steven

1740. Maldonado,Jonathan

1741. Maldonado,Paul

1742. Malin,Jonathan

1743. Mallett, James

1744. Manchester, Richard

1745. Manegold,Phillip

1746. Maney,Kevin















































1747. Mangan,Mark

1748. Mangan,Michael

1749. Mangano, Daniel

1750. Mann, Joseph

1751. Mann,Kenneth

1752. Manning,Ryan

1753. Mantz,Danielle

1754. Marasco,Erika

1755. Marcinko,Jeffrey

1756. Mariani, Douglas

1757. Mark, Ashleigh

1758. Markel,Scott

1759. Marks, Kenneth

1760. Marquez, Fernando

1761. Marquez,Lieder

1762. Marsh, Kent

1763. Marston,Alex

1764. Martin, Ryan

1765. Martin,Anthony

1766. Martin,Christopher

1767. Martin,Herschel

1768. Martin,Justin

1769. Martin,Keith















































1770. Martin,Lisa

1771. Martin,Scott

1772. Martin,Wade

1773. Martindale,Donald

1774. Martinez, Christopher

1775. Martinez, Scott

1776. Martinson,Timothy

1777. Marynik,Thomas

1778. Maschek, Nicolas

1779. Mash, Joseph

1780. Mason, Brad

1781. Mathers,John

1782. Mathis,Joshua

1783. Mathis,Marcus

1784. Mathisen, Jonathan

1785. Matos,Deanna

1786. Matthews, David

1787. Mattioli,Allison

1788. Mattioli,Daniel

1789. Matton,Justin

1790. Mattson-Halvorson, Lisa

1791. Mauro,Amber

1792. Mauro,Eric















































1793. Mausolf, Jarold

1794. Maxey, Crey

1795. Maxwell, Byron

1796. Maxwell,Robert

1797. May, Jared

1798. Mayconich-Beasley,Mary

1799. Maziar,Micah

1800. Mc Nelley,Matthew

1801. McAfner,David

1802. McAuley,Ronald

1803. McAvoy, Justin

1804. Mccabe,Dustin

1805. McCabe,Kara

1806. McCabe,Michael

1807. McCain, Maranda

1808. McCain,Ryan

1809. McCann,Kevin

1810. McCartan,Aaron

1811. Mccarthy, Brian

1812. Mccarthy,Michael

1813. McCarty, Thomas

1814. McClain, Daniel

1815. McClain,Lisa















































1816. McClure, Joseph

1817. McClure,Miles

1818. McCorvey,Todd

1819. McCoy,Michael

1820. McCreery,Robert

1821. McDeavitt,Christopher

1822. McDonald, Kevin

1823. Mcdonald-berry, Rachelle

1824. McDonough,Brian

1825. McDougal, Caleb

1826. Mcdowell, Brandon

1827. McGee,Connor

1828. McGee,Kristian

1829. Mcgough,Mark

1830. McGovern,Matthew

1831. McGuire, Brian

1832. McGuire, Roxanne

1833. McGuire,Matthew

1834. McHenry,Mark

1835. McHorse, Craig

1836. McHugh,Kyle

1837. McIsaac,Evan

1838. McKay,Ryan















































1839. McKee,Charles

1840. Mckenzie,Alexander

1841. Mckinnon,Colin

1842. McLagan,Seth

1843. McLain,Brian

1844. McLaughlin, Brian

1845. McLaughlin,Drew

1846. McLeland,Amanda

1847. McLeland,Christopher

1848. McMahon,James

1849. McMannamy,James

1850. McMillan,Mark

1851. McMullan, Eric

1852. McMullen, Kevin

1853. Mcpartlin,Matthew

1854. McQuade,Ryan

1855. Mcwilliams, Frank

1856. Meade, Thomas

1857. Meadows,Joseph

1858. Meals, Kyle

1859. Mearkle, Michael

1860. Meche,Spencer

1861. Medina,Fabio















































1862. Medina,Juan

1863. Meek,Jason

1864. Mees, Kyle

1865. Mekara,Aaron

1866. Melechin,David

1867. Melvin, Matthew

1868. Menard,Eric

1869. Menard,Marjorie

1870. Mendelson, Justin

1871. Mendez,Anthony

1872. Mendoza,Carlos

1873. Meng,Stephen

1874. Menge, Jonathan

1875. Mento,Jonathan

1876. Mercer, Tyrone

1877. Merkel,Joseph

1878. Merrell, Stewart

1879. Merrihew,Kain

1880. Meseke, Philip

1881. Messer, David

1882. Messer,Jason

1883. Messina,Jason

1884. Metevelis,Gregory















































1885. Mett,Thomas

1886. Mettee,John

1887. Metz, Michael

1888. Metzger,Phillip

1889. Michaud,Jason

1890. Michelini,Richard

1891. Michik,Douglas

1892. Migura,Kyle

1893. Mike, Brandon

1894. Mike,Jared

1895. Mikesell,Charles

1896. Milazzo,David

1897. Milbery,Dylan

1898. Miller, Brandon

1899. Miller, Jolene

1900. Miller, Matthew

1901. Miller,Brian

1902. Miller,Carly

1903. Miller,David

1904. Miller,Jordan

1905. Miller,Joseph

1906. Miller,Joshua

1907. Miller,Kyle















































1908. Miller,Matthew

1909. Miller,Ryan

1910. Miller,Scott

1911. Millikin,Robert

1912. Million,Nancy

1913. Mink,Jason

1914. Minor,Kevin

1915. Missimer, Eric

1916. Mitchell, Shad

1917. Mitchell, Thaddeus

1918. Mitchell,Anna

1919. Mitchell,Mark

1920. Mitrotasios, Chris

1921. Modeland,Jason

1922. Moffatt,Justin

1923. Mogensen,Jason

1924. Mohan,Umeshchand

1925. Mohs,Lisa

1926. Molloy,Susan

1927. Monaghan, Edward

1928. Monaghan,Wendy

1929. Mongelli,Lawrence

1930. Monnig,Grant















































1931. Monroe, Craig

1932. Montana, Justin

1933. Montasser,Shireef

1934. Montero,Romulo

1935. Montes,Christopher

1936. Montoya,Javier

1937. Montroy,Leon

1938. Moody,Christopher

1939. Moore, Brian

1940. Moore, Nitashi

1941. Moore, Thomas

1942. Moore, Zachary

1943. Moore,Joseph

1944. Moore,Wesley

1945. Moosa,David

1946. Mora, Daniel

1947. Morbitzer,Joshua

1948. Morgan, Garrett

1949. Morgan,Adrienne

1950. Morgan,Alan

1951. Morgan,James

1952. Morgan,Joshua

1953. Morgan,Matthew















































1954. Morin, Joseph

1955. Morning,Shane

1956. Morrell,Chaz

1957. Morrill,Jacob

1958. Morris, Lawrence

1959. Morris,David

1960. Morrison,Steve

1961. Moses,Daniel

1962. Moses,Luke

1963. Moss,Daniel

1964. Mott,Daniel

1965. Moulton,Ahmed

1966. Moulton,Christopher

1967. Moulton,Sharmaine

1968. Moyer,Jesse

1969. Moynihan,Michael

1970. Mueller,Cory

1971. Muise, Elisa

1972. Mullins, Nathaniel

1973. Mulls,William

1974. Mumford,Michael

1975. Munchbach,James

1976. Munholland,Mark















































1977. Munoz,Daniel

1978. Murgatroyd,Joseph

1979. Murgatroyd,Molly

1980. Murphree,Joshua

1981. Murphy, Andrew

1982. Murphy,John

1983. Murphy,Sean

1984. Murray, Ryan

1985. Murray,Bennie

1986. Murray,Matthew

1987. Murrell,Jovan

1988. Murry,Michael

1989. Murtha,Shane

1990. Muscara,William

1991. Muscavage,Michael

1992. Myers, Cassie

1993. Myers, Michael

1994. Myers, Steven

1995. Myers,Seth

1996. Nagy, Scott

1997. Nakamitsu, Daniel

1998. Napolitano,Michael

1999. Nault, Eric















































2000. Nauman,Joshua

2001. Navarrete,Christian

2002. Navarrete,Julian

2003. Navarro,Albert

2004. Navarro,Samantha

2005. Naveira,Rafael

2006. Naveiras,Manuel

2007. Naylor,Michael

2008. Nazareno, Arsenio

2009. Neal, Donna

2010. Neal, Larry

2011. Neaveill,Todd

2012. Nederhouser, Veronica

2013. Neilan, Sean

2014. Nelson,Allan

2015. Nelson,Brian

2016. Nelson,Brian

2017. Nelson,Eric

2018. Nelson,Frank

2019. Nelson,Kyle

2020. Nelson,Leo

2021. Nemes,Chad

2022. Nena,Brian















































2023. Nepi,Michael

2024. Neppl,Michael

2025. Nesbitt,Angela

2026. Nesspor,Ashley

2027. Neuendorf,Gregg

2028. Neuscheler,Timothy

2029. Nevel,Keith

2030. Nevzuroff,Nathan

2031. Newell, Marshall

2032. Newkirk, Joseph

2033. Newman,Derek

2034. Newport,Trevor

2035. Nguyen, Anne

2036. Nickelson, Anna

2037. Nielsen, Ryan

2038. Nielsen,Kelly

2039. Nino,Manuel

2040. Nippert,Joey

2041. Nix,Steven

2042. Nobach,Nicholas

2043. Noble,Jeremy

2044. Nodland,Eric

2045. Noel,Christopher















































2046. Nolan,Ryan

2047. Norambuena,Pablo

2048. Norder,Collette

2049. Norlander,Tyler

2050. Norman, William

2051. Norr,Garrett

2052. Northridge,Brian

2053. Norton, Tyler

2054. Novak, Heidi

2055. Novak,Aaron

2056. Novarro,Stephan

2057. Novy,Richard

2058. Nowak, Edward

2059. Nowak, Megan

2060. Nunn,Thomas

2061. Nuss, Jamie

2062. O’Brien, William

2063. O’Brien,Patrick

2064. O’Connell, Mark

2065. O’Connor,Michael

2066. Odegard,Travis

2067. Odietus,Julia

2068. Ogawa,Rogan















































2069. O’Gorman, Jerry

2070. O’Hanley,Michael

2071. O’Hurley, Matthew

2072. Oki,Elliot

2073. Oldis,Craig

2074. Olesen,Cody

2075. Olivares, Susanna

2076. Olmstead, Aaron

2077. Olmsted,Dean

2078. Olson,Darryld

2079. Olson,David

2080. Omalley,Kevin

2081. O’Neil, Sherri

2082. O’Neil,Shaun

2083. Onnen, Ruth

2084. Opatovsky, Joseph

2085. Opperman,Matthew

2086. Ordon, William

2087. Orfanakis,Michael

2088. Orgass, William

2089. Orlando,Eric

2090. Orr,Michael

2091. Ortega,Aaron















































2092. Ortiz Rivera, Reinaldo 2093. Ortiz, Alejandro

2094. Ortiz,Holly

2095. Orton,Timothy

2096. Osborne,Alvin

2097. Osborne,Jeffrey

2098. Osborne,Judson

2099. Osgood,Nathan

2100. Oslie, Connor

2101. Oslund,Bethanie

2102. Ostrander,Thomas

2103. Oswald,Karl

2104. Otero,Aazam

2105. Ott,Benjamin

2106. Ottum,Jamison

2107. Owen,Rosilla

2108. Owens, Christopher

2109. Owens, Dawn

2110. Owens,James

2111. Owens,Kyle

2112. Owens,Sarah

2113. Owens,Sean

2114. Owens,Steven















































2115. Ozog,Barbara

2116. Pabst,Benjamin

2117. Pace,Todd

2118. Pacheco,Rene

2119. Padgett,Christine

2120. Padgett,Robert

2121. Padilla,Christopher

2122. Paider, Nicole

2123. Paige,Kyle

2124. Palafoutas, Peter

2125. Pallan,Quentin

2126. Palmer, Whitney

2127. Palmieri,Michael

2128. Paluch,Kendall

2129. Pamintuan,Alton

2130. Pang,Andrew

2131. Pangan,Feliciano

2132. Panico,Nicholas

2133. Paolin,Tyson

2134. Papini,Matthew

2135. Pardue,Johnny

2136. Parham,Brent

2137. Parker, Drew















































2138. Parker,Kevin

2139. Parker,Zachary

2140. Parkin,Jack

2141. Parks, Daniel

2142. Parr, Matthew

2143. Parris,Chris

2144. Parrish, Joshua

2145. Parsons,Ryan

2146. Partovi,Mike

2147. Parulski,Stanley

2148. Pascan,Sergiu

2149. Paschke,Daniel

2150. Paslay, Robert

2151. Patel,Parth

2152. Patrinicola,Francesco

2153. Patterson,Kevin

2154. Patterson,Michael

2155. Paul, Shannon

2156. Paula,Brian

2157. Pawlowski, Christina

2158. Paycoff,Jason

2159. Paysinger,Brian

2160. Pearce,Mathieu















































2161. Pearcey,Joseph

2162. Peceimer,Matthew

2163. Pecoraro, Richard

2164. Peiffer, Brian

2165. Pekny,Ryan

2166. Pelissier,Lafe

2167. Pelkowski,Richard

2168. Pell, Christopher

2169. Pelow,Sean

2170. Peluso, Bryan

2171. Pena,Leslie

2172. Peneku, Kimberley

2173. Penich,Christopher

2174. Pennington,Justin

2175. Pensis, James

2176. Pentheros, Peter

2177. Pepper,Kali

2178. Pepper,Nathaniel

2179. Perdue,Christopher

2180. Pereira, William

2181. Perez, Anthony

2182. Perez, Miguel

2183. Perez,Jaclyn















































2184. Perkins, Jared

2185. Perkins,Adrienne

2186. Perkins,Airon

2187. Perks,Christopher

2188. Perone, Daniel

2189. Perri,Justin

2190. Perrone, Cory

2191. Perry,Derek

2192. Peters,Murl

2193. Peters,Ronald

2194. Petersen, Garth

2195. Peterson, Austin

2196. Peterson,Andy

2197. Peterson,Ryan

2198. Petraitis, Alexander

2199. Petronsky,Grant

2200. Pettit,Brandon

2201. Petto,Gregory

2202. Phelan, Craig

2203. Phillips, David

2204. Phillips, Eric

2205. Phillips, Paul

2206. Phillips,Daniel















































2207. Phillips,Ted

2208. Philpot,Ross

2209. Phoenix,Samir

2210. Picchietti,Anthony

2211. Pickering, Michael

2212. Pickett, Aaron

2213. Pieper,Michael

2214. Pierce, Crystal

2215. Pierce,Sarah

2216. Pignatiello,Vincent

2217. Pilkerton,Jesse

2218. Pimpao, Michael

2219. Pinckley,Laura

2220. Pinette,Corey

2221. Pinkerton,Scott

2222. Pirc, Timothy

2223. Piroli,Timothy

2224. Pirrone,Michael

2225. Plance,Nathaniel

2226. Plane,Danielle

2227. Platt,James

2228. Polakos, Peter

2229. Polhamus,Danielle















































2230. Polhamus,Jeremy

2231. Polimeni,Daniel

2232. Polimeni,Lesley

2233. Pollak,Marc

2234. Ponce-Vega, Gabriel

2235. Pond-Lagoski,Christina

2236. Pono, Samuel

2237. Poole,Joel

2238. Poole,John

2239. Porcaro,Steven

2240. Porta,Christopher

2241. Porter,Daniel

2242. Porter,Jacob

2243. Porter,Keith

2244. Porter,Melissa

2245. Portner,Neil

2246. Posadas,Rafael

2247. Postema,Wendy

2248. Poteat,Laurie

2249. Potter,Demetrius

2250. Potter,Gordon

2251. Potter,Grace

2252. Potter,Melissa















































2253. Potter,Rodney

2254. Potwine,Luke

2255. Powell,Christopher

2256. Powers silverberg,Brittany

2257. Prairie,Mark

2258. Prater,Nicholas

2259. Prather, Jonathan

2260. Pratt,Erika

2261. Presley, Roy

2262. Presser, Joshua

2263. Preston, Kurtis

2264. Preston, Rachel

2265. Price,Benjamin

2266. Prichard,Steven

2267. Prilucik, Tim

2268. Prior,Douglas

2269. Propst,Raymond

2270. Prowant, David

2271. Prude,Kevin

2272. Prusak, Edward

2273. Prwivo, Anthony

2274. Pryce,Dwayne

2275. Pryor, Robert















































2276. Puckey,Jared

2277. Puckey,Meagan

2278. Puerling,Nicole

2279. Pugh, Kenneth

2280. Puglisi,Jill

2281. Pulley, Caleb

2282. Pulliam,Joseph

2283. Purpus,Joshua

2284. Quick,Gary

2285. Quinlan,Kevin

2286. Quinn, Nathan

2287. Quinn,Michael

2288. Quirk,Anne

2289. Quraan,Samer

2290. Raben, Nicholas

2291. Rader,Joshua

2292. Radocy,Joseph

2293. Ragan,Justin

2294. Ragucci,Michael

2295. Rakszawski,Zakary

2296. Ramer,Matthew

2297. Ramirez Duque,Yandor

2298. Ramirez, Martin















































2299. Ramirez, Vernum

2300. Ramirez,Bonnie

2301. Ramirez,Victor

2302. Ramos, Gil

2303. Ramos, Jusserand

2304. Rand,Andrew

2305. Randall,Jeffrey

2306. Randolph, Jordan

2307. Rangitsch,Paul

2308. Rankin,Brian

2309. Ransom,Michael

2310. Ratto, Matthew

2311. Raun-Linde,Erika

2312. Ravellette,Michael

2313. Rawski, Ryan

2314. Rawson,Jeffrey

2315. Ray, Remington

2316. Raymond,Francis

2317. Reamy,Phillip

2318. Reardon,Joshua

2319. Reckendorf,Paul

2320. Reddin,Jacob

2321. Redies,Michael















































2322. Redmond, Michael

2323. Reece,Christopher

2324. Reed,Kevin

2325. Reese, Chance

2326. Reese, Randall

2327. Reeves,Justin

2328. Regan, Shaun

2329. Reger,Derrick

2330. Reich,Clayton

2331. Reich,Torrey

2332. Reid,Keyion

2333. Reid,Matthew

2334. Reigle,Evan

2335. Reilly,James

2336. Reisdorph,Mark

2337. Reising,Dylan

2338. Reiter, Robert

2339. Rellihan, Jennifer

2340. Remigio, Mariel

2341. Rendon,Joey

2342. Rennie, Stewart

2343. Rentschler,Kelly

2344. Repanshek, Mark















































2345. Resciniti,Matthew

2346. Retzlaff,Cory

2347. Reumann,Eric

2348. Reutepohler,Craig

2349. Reutlinger, Andrew

2350. Reynolds, Clinton

2351. Reynolds, Craig

2352. Reynolds, Mark

2353. Reynolds, Wade

2354. Rhea, Matthew

2355. Rhodes, Jason

2356. Rhodes,Christopher

2357. Rhodes,Gregory

2358. Rhodes,Melissa

2359. Rhodes,Nolan

2360. Rhodes,Rashaun

2361. Riccardi, John

2362. Rice,Matthew

2363. Rich,Ronald

2364. Richards, Matthew

2365. Richardson, Joseph

2366. Richardson,Christian

2367. Richardson,Zachary















































2368. Richeson,Joel

2369. Richter,Russell

2370. Rick,Jason

2371. Riddle,Christopher

2372. Riddle,Melinda

2373. Rider,Charles

2374. Riegel,Adam

2375. Ries, John

2376. Riggs,Robert

2377. Rihanek,Larry

2378. Rincon Gutierrez, Andres 2379. Riopel,John

2380. Riordan, Vincent

2381. Rising,Eric

2382. Rivas,Jerry

2383. Rivera, Natanael

2384. Rivera,Edgar

2385. Roark, Richard

2386. Robbins, Steven

2387. Robbins,Kevin

2388. Robert,Heather

2389. Roberts, Ryan

2390. Roberts,Jessie















































2391. Roberts,Michael

2392. Roberts,Michael

2393. Robertson, Jeffrey

2394. Robillard,Scott

2395. Robinson, Robert

2396. Robinson,Christopher

2397. Robinson,Cristin

2398. Robinson,Jamar

2399. Robinson,James

2400. Robinson,James

2401. Robinson,Jason

2402. Robinson,Melanie

2403. Robison,Amanda

2404. Rocheck,Michael

2405. Rockelein, Santino

2406. Rodal, Kenneth

2407. Rodebush,Grant

2408. Rodewald, Joseph

2409. Rodgers,Robert

2410. Rodriguez,Ashley

2411. Rodriguez,Kenneth

2412. Rogers, Phillip

2413. Rogers,Mark















































2414. Rogers,Matthew

2415. Rojas, Nadia

2416. Romani,Frederic

2417. Romano,David

2418. Romero,Alexis

2419. Romero,Samuel

2420. Roney-staniec, Amber

2421. Rooker,Zachery

2422. Root,Kyle

2423. Rosa,Keegan

2424. Rosado Acevedo,Pedro

2425. Rosati, Christopher

2426. Rose, Dexter

2427. Rose,DonnRae

2428. Rose,Jason

2429. Ross, Justin

2430. Ross, Paul

2431. Ross,Dominic

2432. Ross,Robert

2433. Rossa,Kyle

2434. Roth,Brian

2435. Roth,Clayton

2436. Rousseau,Patrick















































2437. Routzahn,Robert

2438. Row,Ronald

2439. Rowan,William

2440. Rowley,Chad

2441. Rozycki, Stanley

2442. Ruby,William

2443. Ruch, Janusz

2444. Ruffino,Anthony

2445. Ruffino,Anthony

2446. Rugroden,Jack

2447. Ruiz,Frank

2448. Rumery,Christopher

2449. Rumney, Gary

2450. Rupprecht,Ralph

2451. Rush, Harold

2452. Rushnock, Dustin

2453. Russell, Brice

2454. Russell, Christopher

2455. Russell,Aaron

2456. Russell,David

2457. Russell,Jared

2458. Russell,Micheal

2459. Russenberger,Paul















































2460. Russett, Joshua

2461. Russo, Michael

2462. Russo, Vincent

2463. Russo,Stephen

2464. Rutter, Jennifer

2465. Ruys,Jason

2466. Ryan, Michael

2467. Ryan, William

2468. Ryan,Michael

2469. Sabater, Ranses

2470. Sabin,Kyle

2471. Sachs, Joseph

2472. Sackett,Mark

2473. Sadler,Joel

2474. Sadowski,Phoebe

2475. Safdy,David

2476. Sage,Matthew

2477. Sahijram,Victor

2478. Salamon, Timothy

2479. Salamunia,Nicholas

2480. Salapata,David

2481. Salyer,Michelle

2482. Salzano,Peter















































2483. Sampson,Jonathan

2484. Samsel,Timothy 2485. San Diego, Reginal 2486. Sanders,Johnny

2487. Sandland,Jennie

2488. Sanks,Tyler

2489. Santangelo,Francis

2490. Santos,Jay

2491. Sapata,Paul

2492. Sapp,Kyle

2493. Sardineer,Justin

2494. Sas,Joseph

2495. Sasmitamanggala, Antonio

2496. Sassmann,Kenton

2497. Savella,Michael

2498. Scala,Matthew

2499. Scalcione,Christopher

2500. Scarpelli,James

2501. Scarpelli,Vincent

2502. Scarpinato,Wendy

2503. Scavilla,Jason

2504. Scavone,Anthony

2505. Schaaf,Kristina















































2506. Schade, Matthew

2507. Schaefer,Christopher

2508. Schaefer,Lisa

2509. Schafer,Robert

2510. Schafter, Carl

2511. Schandelmeier,Sean

2512. Scharpf,Gary

2513. Schawinsky,Michael

2514. Scheele,Kenneth

2515. Scheeler,Zachary

2516. Schefcik,Steven

2517. Schehr, Spencer

2518. Schelhorn,Rachel

2519. Schenk,Christopher

2520. Scherer,Andrew

2521. Schewe,Kyle

2522. Schexnayder,Kris

2523. Schiano,Robert

2524. Schiel,Andrew

2525. Schielke,Kelly

2526. Schifano,Anthony

2527. Schimmel,Stephanie

2528. Schloegel, Adam















































2529. Schmid,Jared

2530. Schmidt,Charles

2531. Schmidt,Christopher

2532. Schmidt,Jason

2533. Schmidt,Phillip

2534. Schmitt, Matthew

2535. Schmitz,David

2536. Schmitz,Erik

2537. Schneck, Nicholas

2538. Schneider,Michael

2539. Schnoor,Ronda

2540. Schofield, William

2541. Scholl,John

2542. Scholten,Cassandra

2543. Schorman,Matthew

2544. Schraner, Steven

2545. Schreiber,Christopher

2546. Schricker,Jason

2547. Schriefer,Adam

2548. Schuler, Jeffrey

2549. Schulkers,Tyler

2550. Schultze, Leslie

2551. Schulz,Julene















































2552. Schumaker,Brian

2553. Schurman,Jeffrey

2554. Schuster,Gary

2555. Schwartz,Jessica

2556. Schwartz,Matthew

2557. Scott,Caitlin

2558. Scott,Jason

2559. Scuderi,Joseph

2560. Sealey,Jimmy

2561. Seddon, Peter

2562. Sedlacek,Alexander

2563. Seei,Brady

2564. Segatto,David

2565. Segretto, Joseph

2566. Seimas, Ariana

2567. Seimas, Joseph

2568. Self, David

2569. Sellek, Mark

2570. Sells,Mathew

2571. Sennes, Derek

2572. Seo,Michael

2573. Sestak, Melissa

2574. Sestak, Thomas















































2575. Settle, Tyler

2576. Setzer,Jason

2577. Sevin,Diane

2578. Sewell,Mark-Ryan

2579. Sexton,Steven

2580. Shaffner,Joseph

2581. Shallenberger,Brian

2582. Shapiro,Joseph

2583. Shapley,Candace

2584. Sharpe,Zachary

2585. Sharpless,Shawn

2586. Shattuck, Kimberley

2587. Shaw,Marlo

2588. Shedd,Toby

2589. Sheehan,Jon

2590. Sheely,Dwayne

2591. Sheffield, Brad

2592. Sheffield,Matthew

2593. Shelerud,John

2594. Shelton, Joseph

2595. Shelton,Aimee

2596. Shepherd, Leonard

2597. Sherman, Matthew















































2598. Sherritt,Daniel

2599. Shiflett,Gary

2600. Shine,Benjamin

2601. Shipman,Robert

2602. Shiraishi, Jennifer

2603. Shore, Daniel

2604. Shreedaran,Sashi

2605. Shrum, Michael

2606. Shusterman,Ron

2607. Siders,Dontae

2608. Sides,Landon

2609. Siegel, Roy

2610. Siegmund,Michael

2611. Sileo, Jason

2612. Silverberg,Alex

2613. Silvers,Stephanie

2614. Simeone,Richard

2615. Simmons,Michael

2616. Simms, Kristin

2617. Simonelli, Michael

2618. Simpson, Matthew

2619. Simpson,Steven

2620. Sindel,Andrew















































2621. Singh, Jatinder

2622. Sinha,Ravi

2623. Sippel,Kimberly

2624. Sircar,Steve

2625. Sirota, Steven

2626. Siudzinski,Michael

2627. Skarphol,David

2628. Skarphol,Jeffrey

2629. Skievaski, Anthony

2630. Skolnick,Danny

2631. Skopas,Brigita

2632. Skoric,Michael

2633. Slate,Anthony

2634. Slate,Trent

2635. Slocum, Earl

2636. Small,Jason

2637. Smalley, Johnathan

2638. Smalls,Shalannah

2639. Smid,Raymond

2640. Smiech,Keith

2641. Smith, Anthony

2642. Smith, Areil

2643. Smith, Chad















































2644. Smith, Clayton

2645. Smith, Kristina

2646. Smith, Larry

2647. Smith, Marcus

2648. Smith, Marvin

2649. Smith, Timothy

2650. Smith, Weston

2651. Smith,Alyssa

2652. Smith,Blake

2653. Smith,Brandon

2654. Smith,Caryn

2655. Smith,Charles

2656. Smith,Christopher

2657. Smith,Dakota

2658. Smith,Daniel

2659. Smith,Ezekiel

2660. Smith,Gregory

2661. Smith,Jonathon

2662. Smith,Russell

2663. Smith,Ryan

2664. Smith,Ryan

2665. Smith,Shawn

2666. Smith,Shelby















































2667. Smith,Steven

2668. Smith,Travis

2669. Smith,Wilbur

2670. Smolen, Robert

2671. Snaer,Marc

2672. Sneve, Chad

2673. Snively,Jennifer

2674. Snow,Anthony

2675. Snyder,James

2676. Snyder,Joanna

2677. Snyder,Michael

2678. Sobczak,Jennifer

2679. Sobotka,Jonathan

2680. Sockol,Ryan

2681. Soeder,Richard

2682. Soerink,Gilbert

2683. Sohns, Luke

2684. Soignet,Corey

2685. Solis,Adam

2686. Solomon, Jaeson

2687. Soma,Sarah

2688. Sooklal,Kerrie

2689. Sosebee,Thomas















































2690. Soto, Edgar

2691. Soucek,George

2692. Soule,Jeffrey

2693. Southard,Kevin

2694. Spadel, Covey

2695. Spaziani,Todd

2696. Spencer, Brian

2697. Spencer, Denise

2698. Spencer,Joseph

2699. Sperling,Paden

2700. Sperry,Janel

2701. Spicer,William

2702. Spitzform, Bryan

2703. Spoon,Jessica

2704. Springer,Kenneth

2705. Sprouse,Stephen

2706. Squires,Adrienne

2707. Srafin, Kimberly 2708. St George, Julie 2709. St Germain,Jeffery

2710. St Louis,Jon

2711. Stachowiak, Andrew

2712. Stadheim,Trey















































2713. Stafford,Alisha

2714. Stalcup,Amber

2715. Stanger,Blayne

2716. Stanton,Tom

2717. Stapf,Thomas

2718. Starbuck,Garrett

2719. Starkey, George

2720. Starosta,Denis

2721. State,Bradley

2722. Stauffer,Melissa

2723. Stearns,Christopher

2724. Stearns,Paul

2725. Stebbins, Leon

2726. Steele,Frederick

2727. Steeves,Linda

2728. Stefaniuk,Ryan

2729. Stefanovic,Logan

2730. Steffen, Eric

2731. Steffens,Jeremy

2732. Stefura,Kevin

2733. Steger,Paul

2734. Stein,Heather

2735. Steinberg,Jaymi















































2736. Steins, Edith

2737. Stell,Jason

2738. Stellmach,Kathleen

2739. Stellmach,Timothy

2740. Stenger,Dylan

2741. Stephens,Joseph

2742. Stephens,Kyle

2743. Sterkowicz,Nicolette

2744. Sterling, Stephen

2745. Stewart, Andrew

2746. Stewart, Scott

2747. Stewart,Bernice

2748. Stewart,Dylan

2749. Stewart,Jeffery

2750. Stewart,Kristen

2751. Stewart,Paige

2752. Stiely,Cory

2753. Stier, Michelle

2754. Stier,Rick

2755. Stimbert,Troy

2756. Stiteler,James

2757. Stites,Jarrett

2758. Stiwald,Jason















































2759. Stockdale,Rocky

2760. Stocks,Brian

2761. Stokes, Aaron

2762. Stokes,Patrice

2763. Stokes,Trevor

2764. Stone,Heather

2765. Stone,Mark

2766. Stone,Meghan

2767. Stonebraker,Tyler

2768. Stonelake,Henry

2769. Stooksberry,Tyler

2770. Storm,Dustin

2771. Stormfels,Eric

2772. Story,Joshua

2773. Stout,Jake

2774. Stowers,James

2775. Strapp,James

2776. Straube, William

2777. Strauch,Joshua

2778. Strauser,Robert

2779. Strenke,Nicholas

2780. Stribble, Ryan

2781. Stricker,Robert















































2782. Strunk,Matthew

2783. Stubbs,Kelley

2784. Stubbs,Phillip

2785. Sugar,Cheyenne

2786. Sugent,Vincent

2787. Sukel,David

2788. Sukhra,Christopher

2789. Sullivan, Caitlin

2790. Sullivan, Terence

2791. Sumner,Marc

2792. Sundeen,Lacey

2793. Surette, Jeffrey

2794. Suriano,Alexander

2795. Surline,Shawn

2796. Surunis, Nichole

2797. Susnitzky,Brett

2798. Sutherland,Michael

2799. Sutton, Thomas

2800. Sutton,John

2801. Swanson, Brett

2802. Swanson,David

2803. Swearingen,Craig

2804. Swearingen,Rose















































2805. Szablowski,Adam

2806. Szary,Kyle

2807. Szyper,Rex

2808. Taaca, Kevin

2809. Tabor, Cory

2810. Tabor,Franklin

2811. Taccini,Gregory

2812. Taddeo, Vincenzo

2813. Taggio, AnnMarie

2814. Talbot, Richard

2815. Tamburro, David

2816. Tamez,Heidi

2817. Tan,Kissinger

2818. Tarasewicz, Jacob

2819. Tassey,Jonathan

2820. Tavano, Christopher

2821. Taveras, Yvonne

2822. Taylor, Jaime

2823. Taylor, Jonathan

2824. Taylor,Bryce

2825. Taylor,Candace

2826. Taylor,David

2827. Taylor,John















































2828. Taylor,Kevin

2829. Taylor,Matthew

2830. Taylor,Nicholas

2831. Taylor,Shawn

2832. Taylor,Sherry

2833. Teames, Garrett

2834. Teceno,Timothy

2835. Teel,Jamaal

2836. Teklegiorgis, Yonathan

2837. Tenbrook,Daniel

2838. Ternes,Jeremy

2839. Terry,David

2840. Terry,Shaun

2841. Tester,David

2842. Thieken,Andrew

2843. Thiele,Jennifer

2844. Thomas, Kenneth

2845. Thomas, Nicholus

2846. Thomas,Angel

2847. Thomas,David

2848. Thomas,George

2849. Thomas,Joshua

2850. Thomas,Julie















































2851. Thomas,Kevin

2852. Thomas,Richard

2853. Thomas,Scott

2854. Thomaston, Charlie

2855. Thomes,Craig

2856. Thompson,Brandi

2857. Thompson,Christopher

2858. Thompson,Ira

2859. Thompson,Jeffrey

2860. Thompson,Kevin

2861. Thompson,Timothy

2862. Thompson,Troy

2863. Thoren, Alexander

2864. Thornberry, Dustin

2865. Thorne, Jamie

2866. Thorne, Robert

2867. Thorne,Brandon

2868. Thorne,Debra

2869. Thornton,Doyle

2870. Thorpe,Jonathan

2871. Thrysoe,Lisa

2872. Thurston,Patricia

2873. Thurston,Thomas















































2874. Tibbetts-Parulski,Marlynda

2875. Tilles, Jay

2876. Tillison,Phillip

2877. Timm,Austin

2878. Tinzmann,Melissa

2879. Tipton,Casey

2880. Tipton,Gregory

2881. Todd,Melissa

2882. Todd,Michael

2883. Todman,Marlon

2884. Toelle,Jason

2885. Tomayko,Timothy

2886. Tomes,Joseph

2887. Tomich,Joseph

2888. Tommervik,Sean

2889. Tompkins,Elijah

2890. Tooker,Albert

2891. Tookey,Bryon

2892. Toothill,Ashley

2893. Torres,Adam

2894. Torres,Christina

2895. Torres,Daniella

2896. Tortoso,Thomas















































2897. Toth,Christopher

2898. Tourin,Todd

2899. Townsend, John

2900. Toyosato, Bob

2901. Tracey, Peter

2902. Tracy,Daniel

2903. Trafton, Wayne

2904. Trainor,Benjamin

2905. Tralle,Erick

2906. Tramondo,Nicholas

2907. Travis,Glen

2908. Treadway-Hobiger,Kathy

2909. Tredway, John

2910. Tredway,Jerry

2911. Tremblay, Paul

2912. Tribou,Thomas

2913. Triglianos,Daniel

2914. Trimble,Matthew

2915. Troester,Mitchell

2916. Tromba,James

2917. Trost, Ryan

2918. Trottini,Lawrence

2919. Troyer, Marcus















































2920. Trubisky,James

2921. Trudeau,Christopher

2922. Trudeau,Michelle

2923. Truman,Justin

2924. Trutza,Nicholas

2925. Tschida,Matthew

2926. Tuck,Nicholas

2927. Tucker, Garrett

2928. Tucker,David

2929. Tullos,Lyndsi

2930. Turcotte,Daniel

2931. Turner, Gabriel

2932. Turner, William

2933. Turner,David

2934. Turuta, Joseph

2935. Tutterow, Ryan

2936. Tyson, David

2937. Tyson,David

2938. Tyus, Robert

2939. Uechi,James

2940. Ulmer,Jonathan

2941. Ulmer,Matthew

2942. Ulrich, Casey















































2943. Umbrell,Rusty

2944. Underwood,Lauren

2945. Unterberger, Robert

2946. Upchurch,Julian

2947. Uphus, Carrie

2948. Urban, Ryan

2949. Urbina,Jennifer

2950. Valcarce, Linda

2951. Valdez, John

2952. Valenstein,Paul

2953. Valentine,Sharon

2954. Valeri,Caitlyn

2955. Valland, Robert

2956. Vallejo, Vladimir

2957. Valli,Danielle

2958. Valli,Michael

2959. Vallone,Robert

2960. Van Bavel,Ethan 2961. Van Brunt, Erica

2962. Van Der Haeghen,Matthew 2963. Van,Michael

2964. Vander Linde, Nathaniel

2965. Vanmiddlesworth,Christine















































2966. VanMiddlesworth,James

2967. Vann,Darla

2968. Vann,Tyler

2969. Varghese, Sabu

2970. Vargo, Joseph

2971. Vattilana,Mark

2972. Vaughn,William

2973. Vaverek, Kevin

2974. Vecchione,Joseph

2975. Vega,Angela

2976. Vegely,Frank

2977. Velasco, Jose

2978. Velasquez,Fred

2979. Velasquez,Tameka

2980. Ventre,Jonathan

2981. Vetor,Zachary

2982. Vierra, Nina

2983. Villegas,Kristan

2984. Vincent,Justin

2985. Vinson,Jewel

2986. Vinson,Nathan

2987. Vinson,Philip

2988. Violette,Kristofer















































2989. Virjee,Sasha

2990. Visco, Walter

2991. Voehl,Jason

2992. Volkerts,Craig

2993. Volski,Jeffrey

2994. Volstad,Bradly

2995. Vonderlinn,Eric

2996. Voracka,Nicole

2997. Wachter, Nathan

2998. Waddell,Zachary

2999. Wade,Kevin

3000. Wadsworth,Chad

3001. Wadsworth,Megan

3002. Wagner,Aaron

3003. Wagner,Caleb

3004. Wagner,Philip

3005. Wagner,Robert

3006. Waite,Stanley

3007. Waitkus,Gregory

3008. Walcott,Wycliffe

3009. Walden, Matthew

3010. Walker, Christopher

3011. Walker,Daniel















































3012. Walker,Jason

3013. Walker,Michael

3014. Walker,Rodney

3015. Wall, Anthony

3016. Wallace, Jason

3017. Wallace,Christopher

3018. Wallace,Judd

3019. Wallace,Lauren

3020. Wallace,Richard

3021. Wallace,Ryan

3022. Waller,Scott

3023. Walters,Eric

3024. Walther,Dean

3025. Waltjen,Bryen

3026. Ward, Frank

3027. Ward, Nicholas

3028. Ward,David

3029. Ward,Mark

3030. Ward,Michael

3031. Warden, Buel

3032. Warfel,Carl

3033. Waring, Joshua

3034. Waring,Elizabeth















































3035. Warner, Matthew

3036. Warness,Ronald

3037. Warters,Cory

3038. Watanabe,Jennifer

3039. Waterhouse,Blake

3040. Watford, Patrick

3041. Watkins,Brian

3042. Watkins,Dustyn

3043. Watson, Jason

3044. Watson, Kellie

3045. Watson,Kedria

3046. Watt,Crystal

3047. Watzman,Jeffrey

3048. Weathers,Bryan

3049. Webb,Patrick

3050. Weber,Andrew

3051. Weber,Joey

3052. Weber,Travis

3053. Webster,Gerard

3054. Weckler, Scott

3055. Wedderspoon,Brent

3056. Weeden,Eric

3057. Weekley,Charles















































3058. Weidman,William

3059. Weiers,Matthew

3060. Weiland,Jason

3061. Weiler, Joel

3062. Weir,Dale

3063. Weiss,Jacqueline

3064. Weisse,Donald

3065. Welch,Ryan

3066. Welder,JoEllen

3067. Wells, Christopher

3068. Weltzien, Russell

3069. Welz, Joshua

3070. Wenc, Robert

3071. Wenell,Anthony

3072. West, Kenneth

3073. West, Russell

3074. West,Scott

3075. Westman,Britt

3076. Westmoreland,William

3077. Weston, Eric

3078. Wetherell,David

3079. Wetzel, Matthew

3080. Wetzel,Douglas















































3081. Weyer, Ryan

3082. Wheeler, Katie

3083. Whicker, Christopher

3084. Whiddon,Jonathan

3085. Whildin,Jaime

3086. Whipperman,Kyle

3087. White, John

3088. White, Jonathan

3089. White, Julie

3090. White, LeeJamison

3091. White, Whitney

3092. White,Brian

3093. White,Jason

3094. White,Odell

3095. White,Stephanie

3096. Whitman,Alicia

3097. Whitman,Sean

3098. Whittaker,James

3099. Wichman,Bryan

3100. Widman, Stuart

3101. Widup,Paul

3102. Wiechmann,Elliot

3103. Wieder, Kirk















































3104. Wilcox,Russell

3105. Wild,Jennifer

3106. Wilder, Christian

3107. Wiley,Eric

3108. Wilfinger, Tyce

3109. Wilke,Brian

3110. Wilken,Kathleen

3111. Wilkins,Jonathan

3112. Wilkinson,Michael

3113. Willard,Jeremy

3114. Willeford,James

3115. Willenbring,Alan

3116. Willhite,Jarrod

3117. Williams, Kenneth

3118. Williams, Matthew

3119. Williams, Paul

3120. Williams, Robert

3121. Williams, Ryan

3122. Williams,Aaron

3123. Williams,Christopher

3124. Williams,Kristina

3125. Williams,Lachanda

3126. Williams,Michael















































3127. Williams,Scott

3128. Williams,Sharon

3129. Williams,Taylor

3130. Williams,Wardell

3131. Williamson, James

3132. Williamson,William

3133. Willis, Eric

3134. Willis,Derrick

3135. Willson,Ashley

3136. Wilson, Marius

3137. Wilson,Courtney

3138. Wilson,Curtis

3139. Wilson,Dayna

3140. Wilson,Jason

3141. Wilson,Joshua

3142. Wilson,Kelly

3143. Wilson,Mark

3144. Wilson,Megan

3145. Wilson,Michael

3146. Wilson,Rodney

3147. Wilt, Aaron

3148. Winchester, Rupert

3149. Winder,Stephanie















































3150. Windsor,Kaitlyn

3151. Wingood, Kathryn

3152. Winne,Matthew

3153. Winterbauer, Adam

3154. Wise,Kenneth

3155. Wiseman, Hananiah

3156. Wishowski,Brock

3157. Withers, Joseph

3158. Withers,Brandon

3159. Witt, Daniel

3160. Wixom, Christopher

3161. Wojahn,Skyler

3162. Wolcott,Bryan

3163. Wolfe, James

3164. Wolken,James

3165. Wolkenberg, Justin

3166. Woloszyn,Daniel

3167. Womack,John

3168. Wong, Peter

3169. Wonser,Jeffrey

3170. Wood, David

3171. Wood,Anthony

3172. Wood,Christopher















































3173. Wood,Steven

3174. Woodall, William

3175. Woodbury,Lyndsey

3176. Woodbury,Richard

3177. Woodbury,Scott

3178. Woodford,Robert

3179. Woodmansee,Brian

3180. Woodrow,Michelle

3181. Woods,Jonathan

3182. Woods,Thurston

3183. Woodyard,Thomas

3184. Woolfolk,William

3185. Woolridge,Edward

3186. Worcester, Robert

3187. Workman,Ryan

3188. Worley,Daniel

3189. Worthey,Christopher

3190. Woten,Joshua

3191. Woten,Lorie

3192. Woy,David

3193. Woynerowski,Matthew

3194. Wright,Jason

3195. Wright,Joseph















































3196. Wright,Kevin

3197. Wright,Kristi

3198. Wright,Matthew

3199. Wright,Pamela

3200. Wu,David

3201. Wurdell,Jill

3202. Wyatt,Justin

3203. Wyckoff,Hugh

3204. Wynkoop,David

3205. Wyre, Carlos

3206. Yaeger,Julius

3207. Yancey, Kara

3208. Yarbrough, Micah

3209. Yegerlehner,Luke

3210. Yeo,Robert

3211. Yi, Isaac

3212. Yokum, Nathan

3213. York, David

3214. York,Jessica

3215. Young, Michael

3216. Young, Patrick

3217. Young,Daniel

3218. Young,Jessica















































3219. Young,John

3220. Young,Kevin

3221. Youngblood, John

3222. Youngblood,Bart

3223. Yurko,Aaron

3224. Yurus,Edward

3225. Zaccheo,Frederick

3226. Zalfen,Jonathan

3227. Zama,Troy

3228. Zappola,Edward

3229. Zaring,Tracy

3230. Zarr,Harold

3231. Zavala,Gonzalo

3232. Zavilowitz,Keith

3233. Zdybel,Mario

3234. Zeifman, Gabriel

3235. Zepeda, Jose

3236. Zerafa,Steven

3237. Zettler,Leah

3238. Zibolski,Nathan

3239. Zickafoose,Daniel

3240. Zickefoose,Nathan

3241. Zielinske, Charles















































3242. Zielinski,Jason

3243. Zimmer,Roddy

3244. Zimmerman,Jared

3245. Zimmers,David

3246. Zink, Matthew

3247. Zirckel,Robert

3248. Zitek,Dean

3249. Zittle, Scott

3250. Zizzo,Matthew

3251. Zobel, Matthew

3252. Zuccaro,Anthony

3253. Zumbar,Matthew

3254. Zvulon,Natalie

3255. Zwaduk,Jason Plaintiffs,


The United States,









































  1. Plaintiffs identified in the caption of this Complaint, by and through their attorneys, allege for their complaint against Defendant United States as follows:


  2. Plaintiffs are Air Traffic Controllers employed by the United States. The Air Traffic Controllers work at the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”). Their job is to ensure the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic – both in the air and on the ground – at our nation’s airports and in its radar rooms. Each day, the FAA’s Air Traffic Controllers, and FAA employees in related positions, are responsible for ensuring the safe routing of tens of thousands of flights, often working long overtime hours to do so.

  3. Plaintiffs bring this action for a declaratory judgment, backpay, and other relief, pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), 28 U.S.C. § 1346(a)(2), and 28 U.S.C. §§ 1491, 2201 and 2202, to remedy the defendant’s willful and unlawful violations of federal law complained of herein.

  4. On December 22, 2018, at midnight, annual appropriations for the federal government lapsed at several executive agencies, causing a partial government shutdown. However, the FAA’s appropriations did not lapse until midnight on December 23, 2018. Once the appropriated funds for each agency were exhausted, “non-excepted” government employees were sent into furlough status and ceased working for the duration of the shutdown. “Excepted” employees, however, such as the plaintiffs here, were compelled to continue to work through the shutdown. The shutdown ended on January 25, 2019.

  5. Defendant United States has failed to compensate those “excepted employees” such as the plaintiffs, in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), 29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219. Specifically, Defendant United States has failed to pay plaintiffs, and other FAA employees whom plaintiffs anticipate will wish to be included in this lawsuit, their wages at the required minimum wage and overtime rates in a timely fashion, as required by law, for their work performed in “excepted” status during the partial government

    shutdown. Indeed, to date, defendant has failed to pay plaintiffs for any overtime work that they performed during the time period between December 23, 2018, and January 25, 2019. Moreover, defendant failed to pay plaintiffs overtime pay in a timely fashion, for overtime worked between December 19 and December 22, 2018. Separately and additionally, Defendant United States has violated the FLSA by failing to timely pay plaintiffs the required minimum wages and overtime pay for work performed on December 23, 2018, before the exhaustion of the FAA’s appropriated funds.

  6. Accordingly, this action seeks backpay, liquidated damages, and other relief against the United States for its failure to pay plaintiffs in accordance with the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the FLSA, 29 U.S.C. §§ 201-219, and related federal law.


  7. This action seeks damages and other relief against the United States based on the FLSA and other laws of the United States, and therefore this Court has jurisdiction over this suit pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1346, 1491, and 29 U.S.C. § 216(b).

  8. Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1402 and 28 U.S.C. § 1491(a)(1).


  9. Plaintiffs are and have at all material times been employed as Air Traffic Controllers and in related support positions by the United States, through the FAA, and are non- exempt employees covered by the FLSA. 29 U.S.C. § 203(e)(A). Plaintiffs have each given their written consent to be party plaintiffs in this action pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b). Such consents are appended to this Complaint as Exhibit A. Plaintiffs were “excepted” during the government shutdown (which began at the FAA on at 12:01 a.m. on December 24, 2018) and required to work without pay.

  10. Defendant United States is the United States Federal Government and is an “employer” and “public agency” within the meaning of 29 U.S.C. §§ 203(d), (x). Defendant employs the plaintiffs and other employees in similar activities and has its principal place of business in Washington, D.C.


    The FLSA Requires Timely Payment to Plaintiffs of Overtime and the Minimum Wage

  11. Section 7(a) of the FLSA (29 U.S.C. § 207(a)) provides that an employer shall compensate its employees at a rate not less than one-and-one-half times their regular rate for each hour employed in excess of 40 hours per week.

  12. Additionally, the FLSA requires that employees shall be paid not less than $7.25 an hour for all hours worked. 29 U.S.C. § 206(a)(1).

  13. The FLSA requires that these payments be made in a reasonably timely fashion – that is, by the regularly scheduled pay day (“Scheduled Payday”). See Martin v. United States, 117 Fed. Cl. 611, 621 (2014) (“It is the view of the court that the government’s payment to employees two weeks later than the Scheduled Paydays for work performed during the October 2013 budget impasse constituted an FLSA violation.”); see also Brooklyn Sav. Bank v. O’Neil, 324 U.S. 697, 707 (1945); Biggs v. Wilson, 1 F.3d 1537, 1540 (9th Cir. 1993); Coley v. Vannguard Urban Improvement Ass’n, No. 12-CV-5565 (PKC) (RER), 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 54609, at *43 (E.D.N.Y. 2018) (“Courts in this Circuit and elsewhere have held that two weeks is an unreasonable amount of time for an employer to delay a paycheck.”).

  14. Plaintiffs and other Air Traffic Controllers at the FAA share the primary job duties of monitoring and directing the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air; controlling ground traffic in airport runways and taxiways; issuing landing and takeoff

    instructions to pilots; transferring control of departing flights and accepting control of arriving flights; informing pilots of critical information including weather and runway closures; and alerting airport response staff in the event of an aircraft emergency. Other employees of the FAA provide support and assistance for these tasks and perform other job duties related to the safe and efficient operation of the nation’s airways.

  15. For the critically important work that plaintiffs perform of ensuring the daily safety of our nation’s millions of air travelers, plaintiffs are paid following each biweekly pay period as set forth in the Department of the Interior payroll schedule, available at https://www.doi.gov/ibc/resources/payroll-calendars.

  16. The final complete pay period of 2018 (“2018 PP27”), covers work performed from December 9, 2018, through December 22, 2018. The Scheduled Payday for 2018 PP27 was December 28, 2018. The next pay period, the first pay period of 2019 (“2019 PP1”), covers work performed from December 23, 2018, through January 5, 2019. The Scheduled Payday for 2019 PP1 was January 11, 2019. The next pay period (“2019 PP2”) covers work performed from January 6, 2019, through January 19, 2019. The Scheduled Payday for 2019 PP2 was January 25, 2019. The next pay period (“2019 PP3”) covers work performed from January 20, 2019 through February 1, 2019. The Scheduled Payday for 2019 PP3 was February 8, 2019.

  17. Plaintiffs are FAA employees covered by the FLSA, who were designated as “excepted” during the shutdown, which for the FAA began at 12:01 a.m. on December 24, 2018. Plaintiffs’ statutory right to on-time payment of overtime wages earned is governed by the FLSA.

    The Shutdown

  18. On December 20, 2018, it was announced that President Donald J. Trump would refuse to sign the bill necessary to continue paying the devoted aviation safety professionals of the FAA, among many hundreds of thousands of other federal employees.

  19. Budget appropriation for a number of federal agencies then lapsed on December 22, 2018, beginning a partial government shutdown that continued through January 25, 2019, encompassing 35 days and multiple pay periods.

  20. The FAA, however, still had funds available to pay its workers after the partial government shutdown began. Specifically, the FAA did not exhaust its appropriated funds until 12:01 a.m. on December 24, 2018. At that time, non-excepted personnel were furloughed. Defendant directed excepted employees, including the air traffic controllers and other employees in related positions, to continue working their usual schedules, including overtime shifts, for the duration of the shutdown, and to do so without being paid.

  21. Plaintiffs worked without pay in excepted status, at the direction and with the knowledge of the Defendant, for the duration of the government shutdown from midnight on December 23, 2018, to January 25, 2019.

  22. Plaintiffs received no pay for work performed during the FAA’s lapse in appropriations from 12:01 a.m. on December 24, 2018, through January 19, 2019, until on or about January 30, 2019, at the earliest, when plaintiffs received only partial payment for some of their regularly scheduled hours worked during the shutdown.

  23. Plaintiffs who worked on December 23, 2018 received no pay for work performed that day, a day that the FAA still had funds. To the extent that any pay was paid for work performed on December 23, 2018, it should have been paid on January 11, 2019 (i.e., the

    Scheduled Payday for 2019 PP1), but was not paid until, at the earliest, January 25, 2019, and even then, it did not include any overtime pay or premiums and is otherwise deficient.

  24. Further, to date, no plaintiff has received any payment for any overtime hours that they worked during 2019 PP1 and 2019 PP2, even though the Scheduled Paydays for those pay periods (i.e., January 11, 2019 and January 25, 2019) have passed and despite the fact that the Government has been open for business since January 25, 2019.

  25. Additionally, Defendant United States failed to issue timely overtime pay for plaintiffs who worked overtime shifts during 2018 PP27, the pay period ending on December 22, 2018, even though the FAA was funded for that time period.

    Plaintiffs Were Not Timely Paid Minimum Wage For Work During the Shutdown

  26. Plaintiffs were not timely compensated on their Scheduled Payday at the statutorily required minimum wage for the work they performed during the time period between December 24, 2018, and January 19, 2019, in violation of the FLSA.

    Plaintiffs Were Not Timely Paid Overtime Pay For Overtime Worked During the Shutdown

  27. Plaintiffs, even to this date, have not received any payment for overtime work they performed during the FAA’s lapse in appropriations from December 24, 2018, through January 19, 2019.

  28. Thus, plaintiffs were not compensated at the statutorily required time-and-a-half overtime rate for the work they performed in excess of the 40-hour overtime threshold for the weeks of December 23, 2018 to December 29, 2018; December 30, 2018, to January 5, 2019; January 6, 2019, to January 12, 2019; and January 13, 2019, to January 19, 2019; and January 20, 2019 to February 2, 2019.

  29. For example, Plaintiff David Bell worked 41.25 hours during the week of December 30, 2018, to January 5, 2019. Plaintiff Bell is therefore entitled to pay at one-and-one- half times the regular rate for the 1.25 hours in excess of 40 hours for that work, but Defendant United States has failed to compensate Plaintiff for any of this overtime work.

  30. For further example, Plaintiff Matthew Crumrine worked 48 hours during the week of December 23, 2018, to December 29, 2018. Plaintiff Crumrine is therefore entitled to pay at one-and-one-half times the regular rate for the 8 hours of overtime work that he performed that week, but Defendant United States has failed to compensate Plaintiff for any of this overtime work.

  31. For further example, Plaintiff Amanda Lopez worked 48 hours during the week of December 23, 2018, to December 29, 2018. Plaintiff Lopez is therefore entitled to pay at one- and-one-half times her regular rate for the 8 hours of overtime work that she performed that week, but Defendant United States has failed to compensate Plaintiff for this overtime work. Additionally, Plaintiff Lopez worked 48 hours during the week of December 30, 2018, to January 5, 2019, but Defendant United States has yet to compensate Plaintiff for the 8 hours of overtime work performed that week.

  32. For further example, Plaintiff Lee Jamison White worked 48 hours during the week of December 23, 2018, to December 29, 2018. Plaintiff White is therefore entitled to pay at one-and-one-half times his regular rate of pay for the 8 hours of overtime work that he performed that week, but Defendant United States has failed to compensate Plaintiff for this overtime work.

    Plaintiffs Were Not Timely Paid Minimum Wage or Overtime Pay

    For Overtime Worked on December 23, 2018, a Date on Which the FAA Was Funded

  33. Additionally, plaintiffs who worked at the direction of and with the knowledge of the defendant on December 23, 2018, prior to the exhaustion of FAA’s appropriated funds, did

    not receive any pay for such work on their regular Scheduled Payday, which would have been January 11, 2019. Indeed, the Deputy Director in the Office of Financial Services at the FAA admitted in a sworn declaration filed in court on January 22, 2019, that “[t]he FAA had sufficient funding from the fiscal year 2018 Operations Account Appropriation to fund salaries for the first day of Pay Period 2019-01, December 23, 2018” but that “FAA employees that worked or who took paid leave on December 23, 2018 did not receive payment for this work or leave during Pay Period 2019-01.” See NATCA, et al. v. United States, et al., 1:19-cv-62-JRJL (ECF Dkt. 12-4 Declaration of Peter J. Basso III).

  34. To the extent that plaintiffs were paid anything for their regular hours for work performed on December 23, 2019, it was not until on or about January 25, 2019. Plaintiffs have yet to be paid for any overtime hours performed on December 23, 2018.

  35. Thus, plaintiffs were not timely compensated at the statutorily required minimum wage for the work they performed on December 23, 2018, in violation of the FLSA. Further, in violation of the FLSA, plaintiffs who performed overtime work in excess of the 40-hour overtime threshold during the week of December 23, 2018, to December 29, 2018, were not timely compensated at the statutorily required rate of one-and-one-half times their regular rates of pay for that overtime work because they have yet to be paid for that overtime work.

  36. For example, Plaintiff David Bell worked an eight-hour shift on December 23, 2018, and then returned to work an additional two hours of overtime that evening. Yet, Defendant United States failed to compensate Plaintiff Bell for the work performed on December 23, 2018, on his Scheduled Payday even though the FAA was funded on December 23, 2018. He has still not been paid his overtime pay for that day.

  37. For further example, Plaintiff Raynaldo Evangelista worked an eight-hour shift on December 23, 2018, but Defendant United States failed to compensate Plaintiff Evangelista for the work performed on December 23, 2018, on his Scheduled Payday even though the FAA was funded on December 23, 2018. He was not paid for his regular hours worked on December 23, 2018, until on or about January 25, 2019.

  38. For further example, Plaintiff Cheryl Gilbert worked an eight-hour shift on December 23, 2018, but Defendant United States failed to compensate Plaintiff Gilbert for the work performed on December 23, 2018, on her Scheduled Payday even though the FAA was funded on December 23, 2018, and she was not paid until on or about January 25, 2019.

  39. For further example, Plaintiff Colin Kumor worked an eight-hour shift on December 23, 2018, but Defendant United States failed to compensate Plaintiff Kumor for the work performed on December 23, 2018, on his Scheduled Payday even though the FAA was funded on December 23, 2018, and he was not paid until on or about January 25, 2019.

  40. For further example, Plaintiff Alejandro Ortiz worked an eight-hour shift on December 23, 2018, but Defendant United States failed to compensate Plaintiff Ortiz for the work performed on December 23, 2018, on his Scheduled Payday even though the FAA was funded on December 23, 2018, and he was not paid until on or about January 25, 2019.

  41. For further example, Plaintiff Lee Jamison White worked 48 hours during the week of December 23, 2018, to December 29, 2018, including an eight-hour shift on the day of December 23, 2018. Defendant United States failed to compensate Plaintiff White for the work performed on December 23, 2018, on his Scheduled Payday even though the FAA was funded on December 23, 2018, and he was not paid for his regular work hours performed on December 23, 2018 until on or about January 25, 2019. Plaintiff White was also entitled to pay at one-and-

    one-half times his regular rate of pay for that work, but Defendant United States has yet to pay White for his overtime worked that week.

    Plaintiffs were not Timely Paid Overtime Pay for Overtime Worked During the Time Period Between December 19 and December 22, 2018

  42. Additionally, plaintiffs who worked overtime shifts at the direction of and with the knowledge of the defendant beyond the 40-hour overtime threshold during 2018 PP27, the pay period ending on December 22, 2018, did not receive payment for such overtime work on their Scheduled Payday, which was December 28, 2018.

  43. For work performed on and between December 19 and December 22, 2018, plaintiffs should have been paid on December 28, 2018. However, some plaintiffs were paid on and between January 12, 2019, and January 15, 2019, and some were paid on or about January 28, 2019, and January 29, 2019.

  44. Thus, plaintiffs were not timely compensated at the statutorily required time-and- one-half overtime rate for that overtime work, in violation of the FLSA.

  45. For example, Plaintiff Amanda Lopez worked an eight-hour overtime shift on December 19, 2018, in addition to 40 hours of additional, regularly scheduled work that week. Plaintiff Lopez was entitled to pay at one-and-one-half times her regular rate of pay for that work, but Defendant United States failed to pay Plaintiff Lopez at the lawful rate on her Scheduled Payday, December 28, 2018, and instead delayed payment until on or about January 12, 2019, at the earliest, even though the FAA was funded for that time period, in violation of the FLSA.

  46. Defendant’s ongoing failure to timely compensate plaintiffs for their work protecting air travelers from harm violates the FLSA and related provisions of federal law.



  47. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1 through 46 in their entirety and restate them herein.

  48. The FLSA requires that employees shall be paid not less than $7.25 an hour for all hours worked. See 29 U.S.C. § 206(a)(1). The FLSA further guarantees on-time payment of such minimum wages for all covered employees, like plaintiffs, on the employee’s regularly Scheduled Payday. Defendant United States has failed to compensate plaintiffs, who are FLSA non-exempt, excepted employees, with any compensation, let alone the minimum wage for work performed beginning on December 24, 2018, on their regularly scheduled payday. The failure to issue timely payment at the minimum wage rate for all hours worked is a violation of the FLSA.

  49. Defendant’s violations of the FLSA as alleged herein have been done in an intentional, willful, and bad faith manner.

  50. As a result of Defendant United States’ willful and purposeful violations of the FLSA, there have become due and owing to each of the plaintiffs various amounts that have not yet been precisely determined. The employment and work records for each plaintiff are in the exclusive custody and control of Defendant United States and its public agencies and the plaintiffs are unable to state at this time the exact amounts owing to each of them. Defendant United States and its public agencies are under a duty imposed by the Government Accounting Office retention schedule, the FLSA (29 U.S.C. § 211(c)), and various statutory and regulatory provisions to maintain and preserve payroll and other employment records with respect to plaintiffs from which the amounts of Defendant United States’ liability can be ascertained.

  51. Pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), plaintiffs are entitled to recover liquidated damages in an amount equal to their back-pay damages for Defendant United States’ failure to pay for all hours worked at or above the minimum wage.

  52. Plaintiffs are entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), as well as other applicable laws and regulations.



  53. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1 through 52 in their entirety and restate them herein.

  54. The FLSA guarantees the on-time payment of overtime wages at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours a week. See 29 U.S.C. § 207(a). Defendant United States has failed to compensate plaintiffs, who are FLSA non-exempt, excepted employees, who worked overtime hours in excess of forty (40) hours per week during the time period of December 24, 2018, through January 19, 2019, and continuing to date. To the extent the Defendant ever pays for this overtime work, such payment will be untimely.

  55. Defendant has violated and continues to violate the provisions of the FLSA as alleged herein in an intentional, willful, and bad faith manner.

  56. As a result of Defendant United States’ willful and purposeful violations of the FLSA, there have become due and owing to each of the plaintiffs various amounts that have not yet been precisely determined. The employment and work records for each plaintiff are in the exclusive custody and control of Defendant United States and its public agencies and the plaintiffs are unable to state at this time the exact amounts owing to each of them. Defendant

    United States and its public agencies are under a duty imposed by the Government Accounting Office retention schedule, the FLSA (29 U.S.C. § 211(c)), and various statutory and regulatory provisions to maintain and preserve payroll and other employment records with respect to plaintiffs from which the amounts of Defendant United States’ liability can be ascertained.

  57. Pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), plaintiffs are entitled to recover liquidated damages in an amount equal to their overtime back-pay damages for Defendant United States’ failure to pay overtime compensation.

  58. Plaintiffs are entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), as well as other applicable laws and regulations.



  59. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1 through 5 in their entirety and restate them herein.

  60. The FLSA guarantees on-time payment of overtime wages earned for all covered employees, like plaintiffs, on the employee’s regularly Scheduled Payday. See 29 U.S.C. § 207(a). Defendant United States has failed to compensate plaintiffs, who are FLSA non-exempt, excepted employees, overtime wages earned for the time period of December 23, 2018, through January 19, 2019, and continuing to date. If the defendant does ever pay these FAA employees for their overtime pay worked during the shutdown, such payment will be beyond their Scheduled Payday, and untimely. The failure to issue timely payment for all hours suffered or permitted to work beyond the applicable forty-hour threshold violates the FLSA.

  61. Defendant has violated and continues to violate the provisions of the FLSA as alleged herein in an intentional, willful, and bad faith manner.

  62. As a result of Defendant United States’ willful and purposeful violations of the FLSA, there have become due and owing to each of the plaintiffs various amounts that have not yet been precisely determined. The employment and work records for each plaintiff are in the exclusive custody and control of Defendant United States and its public agencies and the plaintiffs are unable to state at this time the exact amounts owing to each of them. Defendant United States and its public agencies are under a duty imposed by the Government Accounting Office retention schedule, the FLSA (29 U.S.C. § 211(c)), and various statutory and regulatory provisions to maintain and preserve payroll and other employment records with respect to plaintiffs from which the amounts of Defendant United States’ liability can be ascertained.

  63. Pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), plaintiffs are entitled to recover liquidated damages in an amount equal to their overtime back-pay damages for Defendant United States’ failure to pay overtime compensation.

  64. Plaintiffs are entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), as well as other applicable laws and regulations.




  65. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1 through 64 in their entirety and restate them herein.

  66. The FLSA requires that employees shall be paid not less than $7.25 an hour for all hours worked. See 29 U.S.C. § 206(a)(1). The FLSA further guarantees on-time payment of such

    minimum wages for all covered employees, like plaintiffs, on the employee’s regularly scheduled payday. Defendant United States failed to compensate plaintiffs who are FLSA non- exempt, excepted employees, minimum wage for work performed on December 23, 2018, on their regularly Scheduled Payday, in violation of the FLSA. See 29 U.S.C. § 206. The failure to issue timely payment at the minimum wage rate for all hours worked on that date violates the FLSA.

  67. Further, the FLSA guarantees on-time payment of overtime wages earned for all covered employees, like plaintiffs, on the employee’s regularly Scheduled Payday. Defendant United States has failed to compensate plaintiffs, who are FLSA non-exempt, excepted employees, on their regular Scheduled Payday for overtime wages earned for the overtime work performed on December 23, 2018, despite suffering or permitting plaintiffs to work in excess of 40 hours during the week of December 23, 2018, to December 29, 2018. The failure to issue timely payment for all hours suffered or permitted to work beyond the applicable forty-hour threshold violates the FLSA.

  68. Defendant’s violations of the FLSA as alleged herein have been done in an intentional, willful, and bad faith manner.

  69. As a result of Defendant United States’ willful and purposeful violations of the FLSA, there have become due and owing to each of the plaintiffs various amounts that have not yet been precisely determined. The employment and work records for each plaintiff are in the exclusive custody and control of Defendant United States and its public agencies and the plaintiffs are unable to state at this time the exact amounts owing to each of them. Defendant United States and its public agencies are under a duty imposed by the Government Accounting Office retention schedule, the FLSA (29 U.S.C. § 211(c)), and various statutory and regulatory

    provisions to maintain and preserve payroll and other employment records with respect to plaintiffs from which the amounts of Defendant United States’ liability can be ascertained.

  70. Pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), plaintiffs are entitled to recover liquidated damages in an amount equal to their back-pay damages for Defendant United States’ failure to pay for all hours worked on December 23, 2018 at or above the minimum wage.

  71. Pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), plaintiffs are entitled to recover liquidated damages in an amount equal to their overtime back-pay damages for Defendant United States’ failure to timely pay overtime compensation for overtime work performed on December 23, 2018.

  72. Plaintiffs are entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), as well as other applicable laws and regulations.




  73. Plaintiffs hereby incorporate paragraphs 1 through 723 in their entirety and restate them herein.

  74. The FLSA guarantees on-time payment of overtime wages earned for all covered employees, like plaintiffs, on the employee’s regularly Scheduled Payday. Defendant United States has failed to compensate plaintiffs, who are FLSA non-exempt, excepted employees, overtime wages earned for the overtime work performed during the pay period ending on December 22, 2018, despite suffering or permitting plaintiffs to work in excess of 40 hours during the week of December 16, 2018, to December 22, 2018. The Scheduled Payday for work performed during this pay period was December 28, 2018. However, Defendant United States

    failed to issue payment for such overtime work until on or about January 12 -15, 2019, at the earliest, and for some plaintiffs delayed payment until on or about January 28-29, 2019. The failure to issue timely payment for all hours suffered or permitted to work beyond the applicable forty-hour threshold violate the FLSA. See 29 U.S.C. § 207(a).

  75. Defendant’s violations of the FLSA as alleged herein have been done in an intentional, willful, and bad faith manner.

  76. As a result of Defendant United States’ willful and purposeful violations of the FLSA, there have become due and owing to each of the plaintiffs various amounts that have not yet been precisely determined. The employment and work records for each plaintiff are in the exclusive custody and control of Defendant United States and its public agencies and the plaintiffs are unable to state at this time the exact amounts owing to each of them. Defendant United States and its public agencies are under a duty imposed by the Government Accounting Office retention schedule, the FLSA (29 U.S.C. § 211(c)), and various statutory and regulatory provisions to maintain and preserve payroll and other employment records with respect to plaintiffs from which the amounts of Defendant United States’ liability can be ascertained.

  77. Pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), plaintiffs are entitled to recover liquidated damages in an amount equal to their untimely paid overtime pay.

  78. Plaintiffs are entitled to recover attorneys’ fees and costs under 29 U.S.C. § 216(b), as well as other applicable laws and regulations.


    WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court enter each of the following forms of relief:

    1. Order a complete and accurate accounting of all the compensation to which the plaintiffs are entitled;

    2. Award each plaintiff backpay as well as monetary liquidated damages equal to any unpaid or untimely paid minimum wage and overtime compensation earned since December 19, 2018, as well as interest thereon;

    3. Award plaintiffs their reasonable attorneys’ fees to be paid by Defendant United States, and the costs and disbursements of this action; and

    4. Grant such other relief as may be just and proper.

Dated: February 15, 2019 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Molly A. Elkin

Molly A. Elkin


1101 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 1000

Washington, DC 20005

Phone: (202) 833-8855

Fax: (202) 452-1090

[email protected]

Counsel of Record for Plaintiffs

Gregory K. McGillivary Sarah M. Block

John W. Stewart


1101 Vermont Ave., N.W. Suite 1000

Washington, DC 20005

Phone: (202) 833-8855

Fax: (202) 452-1090

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Of Counsel for Plaintiffs


The undersigned attorney certifies that on February 15, 2019, a copy of the foregoing document was served on the following individuals by filing the document on the Court’s CM/ECF system:

Erin K. Murdock-Park Trial Attorney

Commercial Litigation Branch, Civil Division

U.S. Department of Justice

P.O. Box 480

Ben Franklin Station Washington, DC 20044

Phone: (202) 616-3753

Fax: (202) 514-8624

[email protected]

Attorney for Defendants

/s/ Molly A. Elkin


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