CFS Spotlight: NATCA Charitable Foundation
NCF OfficersCorrie Conrad, President
Robin Hill, Vice President
Annie Olson, Treasurer
Dawn Taylor, Secretary
NCF thrives on seeking out areas of need that go un-funded or are missed through typical donor drives. We seek out organizations that serve a similar purpose, to help the under-served. Across the country, one program at a time, NATCA members, friends and family all volunteer to help bring smiles to children and adults in need. Our programs vary from year to year. The smiles and cheers from the many we assist make any number of volunteer hours a worthy endeavor. Please contact us with any questions about current or new programs. We love to hear from our supporters as we continue to make every dollar count! Donations NATCA President Paul Rinaldi issued a tremendous challenge at NATCA’s Biennial Convention last April in Philadelphia: Make NCF a million-dollar charity! We are excited to accept that challenge and invite you to stop by the NCF area in the exhibition hall this week. At our booth, you can complete an 1187 payroll deduction form to establish an automatic donation to NCF each pay period. If you complete an 1187 form to establish a $10 or greater donation per pay period, OR if you increase your existing automatic deduction donation by at least $5 per pay period, you’ll receive two things: First, you’ll be given a Fast Pass that will give you exclusive first access into the Archie League Medal of Safety Awards banquet on Wednesday night. Second, you’ll receive a scratch-off card that gives you the opportunity to win a new Ford vehicle. Silent Auction NCF is again hosting a silent auction this week in the exhibition hall that includes a tremendous array of mostly donated items, including food and wine, crafts, sports memorabilia, travel, NATCA-related items and much more. The silent auction opens at 1 p.m. on Sunday and runs through Wednesday morning. Your bid number can be found on your CFS badge. Use that to bid on any item. A few of the Silent Auction Items that will be available:
Live Auction We are excited to host our first live auction at CFS. It will be held on Monday from 6:15-7 p.m. in the exhibition hall on the opposite side of where the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper is located. The auction will be emceed by Kelly Richardson, NATCA’s Manager of Outreach and National Events. Poker Tournament NCF is again hosting its wildly popular poker tournament here at CFS. It starts at 7:30 p.m. on Monday evening. There is a $100 buy-in. Prizes will be awarded to the top five places. Mystery Wine Pull For $40 per pull, you will get a bottle of wine valued between $30 and $140. Stop by our NCF booth in the exhibition hall to make your selection! NCF Coffee Mug Don’t head to Starbucks here at Bally’s (outside, beyond the front entrance) unless you first have your NCF special edition coffee mug. Using this mug and taking it into Starbucks for a fill-up gets you 35 percent off your entire order.