NATCA Organizing Effort Leads to Two More Represented FCTs, HHR and UAO
UAO FCT in Oregon
The NATCA Family has officially grown by two facilities this week!
Serco-operated Federal Contract Tower (FCT) program facilities at Hawthorne, Calif., Municipal Airport (HHR), and Aurora State Airport (UAO) south of Portland, Ore., are now the 101st and 102nd FCTs represented by NATCA. The NATCA National Executive Board chartered both locals to complete this successful organizing effort.
Asked about organizing the FCTs, National Organizing Committee Chairman John Bratcher said, “That is what this organizing effort is about, representing the profession and those that make up the profession.”
Bratcher also told the new members at HHR and UAO to “rest easy that you have 16,000 brothers and sisters backing you up and ready to help you have a voice. Welcome to the NATCA Family!”
Please click here to view a list of all 102 NATCA-represented FCTs.
HHR Tower in Hawthorne, Calif.