NATCA Charitable Efforts: National Office, Washington, D.C.
From left to right: Greg Shoemaker, Charry Jimenez, Pauline Hines, Megan Seidman, Cecilia Harley, Maria Lynch, Trish Gilbert, and Cheryl Lewis.
It’s one of the best times of the year for the National Office: Working with the NATCA Charitable Foundation (NCF) to provide school supplies for Community of Hope’s annual back-to-school backpack drive to aid underserved families in Washington, D.C.
NCF contributed enough money to fill 60 backpacks. Then, the National Office discovered an added bonus: Using the new NATCA Benefits partnership discount card from Office Depot/OfficeMax to shop for the supplies, they saved enough money off the final bill to go back into the store and buy enough supplies to fill several more backpacks to push the total to 70. Thanks to the great staff at Office Depot/OfficeMax in Catonsville, Md., for their help and smiles.
Office Depot/OfficeMax store employee in Catonsville, Md., with Ellen Church, daughter of NATCA Deputy Director of Public Affairs Doug Church.
Office Depot/OfficeMax store employee in Catonsville, Md., with NATCA Deputy Director of Public Affairs Doug Church.