NATCA Adds Voice to Roar of Union Solidarity, Denouncing Executive Orders Attacking Unions
On Wednesday, July 25, NATCA members and National Office staff stood in solidarity with federal employee unions as the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) held a #RedForFeds rally just before oral arguments begin in their federal court case challenging the President’s recent Executive Orders (EOs) that negatively affect federal employees and their unions.
On May 25th, the President issued three EOs. One of the orders is intended to reduce the use of union official time government-wide. Another is intended to reduce the time it takes to negotiate collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) and to reduce the costs contained within them. The last is intended to expedite the process for removing employees from federal service in performance based adverse actions.
In early July, the Office of Personnel Management issued guidance clarifying that there should be no immediate changes to any of NATCA’s agreements with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) — local or national — nor any changes in how they are implemented as a result of the EOs. However, the EO directs agencies, at the earliest moment the law permits, to renegotiate any collective bargaining agreement (CBA) provision that is inconsistent with the EO. The Administration already is implementing these EOs in several agencies. These changes are greatly affecting our union brothers and sisters in these agencies.
“Federal employees and their unions are under attack right now,” NATCA Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert told NATCA staff as they marched to the rally. “These executive orders are intended to weaken federal workers and the labor movement. AFGE is now the tip of the spear in these attacks. It is an honor to be at this rally to demonstrate NATCA solidarity for our union brothers and sisters. Today, we join in standing up against those who seek to take away the rights of working people. NATCA stands with all of our union brothers and sisters in the labor movement, today and forever.”
Speakers at the rally included AFGE’s National President J. David Cox, Sr., AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, other union leaders, and members of Congress, including Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, who joined with the sentiments expressed on the dozens of rally signs: “America works because we do,” and “We are going to win this fight.”
Learn more about the three executive orders that target unions here.