San Diego Members Steer Students Toward Aviation careers
Recently, NATCA members at San Diego/Lindbergh ATCT (SAN) hosted students for a facility tour during the third annual San Diego Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals’ (OBAP) Aviation Career Education (ACE) Academy Aviation Career Education camp.
The OBAP ACE Academy stimulates interest among middle and high school youth in aerospace and aviation through week-long summer camps. Southern California TRACON (SCT) member Ian Lewis serves as director for the San Diego camp every year as part of an ongoing campaign to expose local youth to aviation career opportunities.
“I’m happy to know that my colleagues and I have the privilege in making an impact on kids in aiding them to decide on their future,” Lewis said.
Lewis thanked those at SAN who helped make the facility visit — a critical part of the camp experience — possible.
“A special thank you to David Borcalli, Andrea Ortega, and Rene Rausch Pacheco for affording these students an opportunity to be exposed to an area rarely seen and a profession in need of new blood,” Lewis said.