NATCA Charitable Foundation Supports Children’s Literacy Initiative
Children’s Literacy Initiative (CLI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides educators with training and coaching in the most effective practices for early literacy instruction for pre-k through third grade. It’s workshops and institutes build teachers’ understanding of literacy and the art and science of teaching children how to read and write. CLI strives to create a sustainable, school-wide culture of literacy that introduces students to the joys of reading, writing, and lifelong learning.
CLI’s goal is to close the gap in literacy achievement between disadvantaged children and their more affluent peers in an effort to build a nation where every child has the power of literacy and the opportunity for a lifetime of success.
PHL NATCA members pictured from left to right: Chris Perks, Kristen Laubach, Charles Jacques, Jason Boyde and John Murdock
The NATCA Charitable Foundation has chosen CLI as one of the official Biennial Convention charities and has worked with them throughout the year to support their mission.