NATCAvists Gather to Hone Skill Set
Twenty-three new NATCAvists spent two days last week taking NATCA’s Basic Legislative Activism Class, so they can help NATCA achieve its advocacy goals and protect aviation safety professions and the National Airspace System. NATCA Academy Instructors Jenny Benjamin (from Denver Centennial ATCT – APA), Richard Kennington (from Portland ATCT), and Paul Behan (from Jacksonville Center) taught the course.
This class is intended to take a member who knows little to nothing about the legislative process and give them the knowledge and support to take on the role of their facility legislative representative. The class covers the basics of the legislative process, NATCA’s legislative structure, the basics of congressional relationship building, the Hatch Act, how to take a meeting with a member of Congress and their staff, as well as other topics related to basic legislative activism.
To sign up for future legislative classes, talk to your FacRep and RVP and visit the NATCA membership portal at portal.natca.net.