WorkLife Wisdom: Free Monthly Webinar
Free monthly WorkLife Webinar
Growing Your Resilience and True Grit
Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2018 2-3 p.m. EST
When faced with the same challenges, why do some people get overwhelmed and stressed out while others maintain their positive attitude and well-being? Why are some people resistant to change, while others accept it and look forward to the future? The answers may be found in the level of resiliency we possess — our ability to bounce back and adjust to hurdles that life puts in our way.
Unable to participate in the live webinars? You and your family members can register for this and other upcoming webinars at www.MagellanHealth.com/member. After registering with your program’s toll-free number, 1-800-234-1327, go to “Tools”, then “On Demand Learning” for a complete listing of live webinars, as well as webinar recordings and podcasts.
Your FAA WorkLife Solutions Program offers a range of services to support your life and work. This includes online self-assessment tools and wellness tips, in-person counseling, convenience services to help with everyday events needing your time and attention, child and elder care options, legal and financial services, and much more. Call your program at 800-234-1327, TTY Users: 800-456-4006, or log on to www.MagellanHealth.com/Member.