Communicating For Safety: New Dates!
Hosted annually by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA), Communicating For Safety (CFS) is the aviation industry’s leading conference focusing on safety, technology and building relationships. This three-day conference is unique in that it’s the only conference of its kind to focus specifically on the air traffic needs of all members of the aviation community who are affected by the National Airspace System (NAS).
CFS began in 1999 with just 40 attendees; it has now become an internationally attended conference, with over 1,500 aviation industry leaders and representatives coming together to discuss and improve safety.
NATCA President Paul Rinaldi kicked off CFS 2017 by welcoming attendees from all over the world — as far as New Zealand — and from many diverse air traffic groups in the United States. That makes this a truly global aviation conference. Rinaldi stressed the United States’ exceptional safety record in commercial aviation.
“Aviation safety is the cornerstone of our existence,” he said. “Building a robust safety culture, we have done an outstanding job and we should be very proud of what we have accomplished.” But Rinaldi cautioned attendees that, “we cannot take it for granted. Everyone involved in the aviation industry must fight complacency, the enemy of progress, at all levels.” He said complacency is dangerous and is unacceptable in the face of growing capacity and demand.”
Please join us October 22-24, 2018, at Bally’s Hotel in Las Vegas! For more information about the conference, check out our web page.