Aug. 4, 2017 // NATCAvist Legislative Update
NATCAvists Build Relationships
NATCA members across the country have met with representatives all summer. They educated them on NATCA, our profession, and built strong relationships at home and on Capitol Hill.
Ready to get involved?
NATCA State Coordinator and Facility Legislative Reps are a great source of information. Your FacRep and Regional National Legislative Committee Chair can also help. Getting started is easy. For tips on how to become more legislatively active, visit NATCA’s members only legislative page. Just look for the “LEGISLATIVE” tab found on the members side of natca.org.
Cleveland Tower/TRACON controllers meet with Congressman David Joyce, R-Ohio-14
On Monday, July 17, Great Lakes National Legislative Committee Chair Mike Hanlon participated in a tour of the new Cleveland Tower and TRACON for Congressman Joyce. The tour was put together and given by FacRep Jim Ulry and controller Michelle Toth. They invited the Congressman to tour CLE during a meeting at NATCA in Washington (NiW), and he was eager to see what controllers do every day. During the tour, the Congressman saw the tower simulator used to train developmentals. He then saw the TRACON, where the Congressman had many questions about the new equipment. The tour continued into the tower where they discussed new technology that has been incorporated into the operating environment. While there, an aircraft on take off reported a bird strike and declared an emergency. The Congressman was able to see first hand the efficient and calm professionalism of the NATCA members working the flight to a safe landing.
Kansas City Center controllers welcome Congressman Ron Estes, R-Kan.-4, for facility visit Kansas City Center
FacRep Aaron Merrick organized the visit with Congressman Estes. The Congressman was able to ask questions about air traffic control and discuss the future of the National Airspace System.
Government Affairs meets with Congressman Albio Sires, D-N.J.-8
Director of Government Affairs Jose Ceballos and Senior Political and Legislative Representative Allie Valocchi Cloyes recently met with Congressman Sires. They joined other aviation leaders and representatives to discuss aviation and the National Airspace System with the Congressman.
Minneapolis Center controllers welcome Congressman Jason Lewis, R-Minn.-2
Minneapolis Center Facility Legislative Rep Mitch Becker recently organized a facility visit at Minneapolis Tower and TRACON (MSP) for Congressman Lewis so he could see the air traffic operation and hear from NATCA professionals how they keep the skies of Minnesota safe every day.
Youngstown ATCT controllers meet with Congressman Tim Ryan, D-Ohio-13
On Monday, May 19, Youngstown ATCT (YNG) controllers represented NATCA at an event featuring Congressman Ryan. YNG Legislative Rep Nick Yochman, YNG members Casey Crees and Vivian Lumbard, Cleveland Center (ZOB) FacRep Russ Hannu, ZOB Vice President Bill Gentry, and ZOB members Josh Santiago and Ron Shonk represented NATCA at the event. The NATCAvists were able to thank Congressman Ryan for speaking at NATCA in Washington this year and discuss the National Airspace System with him. During the event, Congressman Ryan gave a 20 minute speech about the future of Northeast Ohio, recognizing unions and those presently involved in unions as being part of that future. “It was great that NATCA had so many members attending,” said Yochman. “I believe that due to our efforts, we are familiar faces with the office. Congressman Ryan easily recognized our group during the meet and greet at the beginning.” Yochman plans to invite Congressman Ryan and his office to tour YNG early this fall.
Columbus ATCT controllers host Congressman Pat Tiberi, R-Ohio-12, for facility visit Columbus ATCT
Facility Legislative Rep Mike Weekley and Legislative Rep Phil Carpino attended the annual Ohio State football game event last year (2016) with Congressman Tiberi. At that event, they engaged in conversation about air traffic control. The Congressman told Weekley and his Chief of Staff that he wanted to come tour the facility at John Glenn Columbus International Airport. Weekley continued to stay in touch with his office throughout the year, building a strong relationship with the office. Weekley and Carpino were honored to host Congressman Tiberi and staff from his Columbus office on June 6. They discussed how the airport has changed through the years, as well as air traffic control operations. During the visit, Congressman Tiberi was engaged and interested in how things worked. He asked questions about staffing and daily work flow.
“Throughout the last few years, myself and Phil have been able to build a good relationship with Congressman Tiberi and his staff,” said Weekley. “They have high praise for NATCA, our leadership, and the job we do as controllers every day.”
Evansville Regional ATCT (EVV) members William Axton and Jesse Mapos attend U.S. Rep. Larry Bucshon’s, R-Ind.-8, town hall meeting
On July 21, the duo were able to meet with the Congressman and discuss issues important to NATCA and the National Airspace System.
Cleveland Center welcomes Congressman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio-4, for facility visit
Congressman Jim Jordan visited Cleveland Center (ZOB) to meet the aviation safety professionals that live and work in his district and the vital role they play. The Congressman toured the training lab, traffic management unit (TMU), and the highly busy and complex ZOB Area 2.
NATCA Great Lakes Region Legislative Committee Chair Mike Hanlon, Russ Hannu (ZOB FacRep), Josh Santiago (ZOB), and Brandon Thorne (ZOB) shared with the Congressman about staffing, technology, unmanned aerial systems (UAS), and how ZOB interacts with the military and the airlines.
Columbia Metropolitan ATCT (CAE) welcomes Congressman James E. Clyburn, D-S.C.-6
Facility Representative Derek Vento, CAE Legislative Representative Jordan Morales, and S.C. State Coordinator Matt Trimble hosted Congressman Clyburn for a visit at the air traffic control tower. They discussed air traffic operations and issues important to NATCA.