May 26, 2017 // NiW 2017: General Session Overview
Sunday, May 21: Opening Reception
- NATCAvists came together in solidarity at the opening reception for NiW. Attendees socialized with their brothers and sisters, discussed the upcoming week, laid out plans for congressional meetings, while overlooking an unmatched view of the Capitol Building.
Monday, May 22: General Session
- National Legislative Committee (NLC) Chairman Steve Weidner gave opening remarks, including the regional roll call
- Region X: 18 activists in attendance representing 934 members from nine bargaining units
- NAL: Three activists in attendance representing 311 members
- NCE: 14 activists in attendance representing 494 members
- NEA: 102 activists in attendance representing 2,146 members
- NGL: 88 activists in attendance representing 2,569 members
- NNE: 20 activists in attendance representing 582 members
- NNM: 40 activists in attendance representing 1,277 members
- NSO: 103 activists in attendance representing 3,079 members
- NSW: 51 activists in attendance representing 1,954 members
- NWP: 48 activists in attendance representing 2,113 members
- NATCA President Paul Rinaldi and Executive Vice President Trish Gilbert introduced all members of the NLC and thanked them for their dedication to NATCA.
- Michael Ingrao was presented with a Timmy Award for his dedication to NATCA through the years and his work establishing and running NATCA’s Boots on the Ground program for several years.
- Noel Kingston was presented with the Trish Gilbert Legislative Activism Award for his many years of service as an activist and Arizona state legislative coordinator.
- Rinaldi and Gilbert took the stage and gave a complete NATCA legislative update. Read more.
- Northwest Mountain Region NLC Chair Richard Kennington gave a congressional reception briefing, including tips on how to interact with members of Congress and their staff.
- NATCA’s Director of Government Affairs Jose Ceballos, Deputy Director of Government Affairs John Bressler, and Senior Political and Legislative Representative Allie Cloyes took the stage to give a briefing on the “Ask” for this year, urging members to sign on to a letter asking the appropriators to fully fund the FAA in Fiscal Year 2018.
- FY18 will be very lean, but there is strong bipartisan support for aviation safety professionals.
- Full funding for the FAA would help alleviate the staffing shortage, challenges facing NextGen implementation, and issues associated with modernization and infrastructure within the NAS.
- On the House side, NATCAvists asked for members of Congress to sign onto the Steve Knight, R-Calif./Sean Patrick Maloney, D-N.Y., letter addressed to the Chairman and Ranking Members of Appropriations Committee staff that calls for full funding of the FAA in FY2018.
- On the Senate side, NATCAvists asked for members of Congress to sign onto the James Inhofe, R-Okla./Mark Warner, D-Va., letter addressed to Chairman and Ranking Members of Appropriations Committee staff that calls for full funding of the FAA in FY2018.
- These letters are part of the legislative process and will influence the appropriations bill funding the FAA.
- Gilbert, Special Counsel to the President Eugene Freedman, and Government Affairs staff took the stage to give a briefing on NATCA’s issue papers.
- Discussion centered on challenges facing NATCA and the NAS and the “Ask.”
- Read NATCA’s issue papers on FAA reauthorization, stop-and-go funding, the staffing crisis, modernization and infrastructure, official time, and the anti-federal employee environment under the “Advocate” tab of NATCA’s legislative web page.
- Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill.-13, addressed NiW attendees.
- Rep. Davis discussed NATCA’s impressive leadership, how important air traffic controllers are to America, and the importance of building a pro-labor caucus with Republicans in Congress.
- Check back in the NATCA Insider for full coverage of his remarks.
- The Honorable Elaine Chao addressed NiW attendees.
- U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao shared her vision of aviation and discussed modernization and infrastructure, integration of new technologies, and the human workforce that will lead the NAS into the future.
- Check back in the NATCA Insider for full coverage of her remarks.
- Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio-13, addressed NiW attendees.
- Rep. Ryan gave a passionate speech about working Americans and the importance of protecting their rights in addition to discussing the NAS.
- Check back in the NATCA Insider for full coverage of his remarks.
Tuesday, May 23: Workshops and Hill Visits
- Check back in the NATCA Insider for full coverage of NATCA classes and workshops.
- First time attendees and veteran NATCAvists attended NATCAvist training to expand their skillset and prepare for important meetings with Senators, Representatives, and their staff members on Capitol Hill.
- Rinaldi and Gilbert hosted a Q&A session for attendees to discuss issues facing NATCA and the NAS.
- Northwest Mountain Region NLC Chair Richard Kennington taught Congress 101. This workshop reviewed the basic structure of government with an emphasis on congressional leadership and the committees that are relevant to NATCA.
- NATCA’s Deputy Director of Government Affairs John Bressler and Senior Political and Legislative Representative Allie Cloyes taught An Insiders Perspective: How NATCA Influences the Legislative Process. This workshop taught attendees how a bill becomes a law and the role that NATCA plays in the legislative process.
- Deputy Chief of the Hatch Act Unit in the Office of Special Counsel Erika Hamrick taught Social Media & the Hatch Act. This workshop centered on restrictions on federal employees and what they can and cannot do and say when it comes to political activity.
- National Legislative Committee mentee David Skarphol taught Facility Legislative Representative and State Coordinator Training. This training session reviewed roles and responsibilities of legislative representatives within NATCA and gave attendees the tools to improve their skill sets and become more effective leaders.
- Western Pacific Region NLC Chair Trisha Pesiri-Dybvik and Eastern Region NLC Chair Kristena Jones taught Building a Stronger Bench. This workshop centered on the need for increased activism within NATCA at the grassroots level and how you can help inform and motivate fellow members to get involved so that NATCA can be more effective on Capitol Hill.
- NLC Chairman Steve Weidner taught How to Advocate for the PAC. This workshop taught attendees how the political action committee (PAC) works, and how to educate and advocate to others on behalf of the NATCA PAC. This course was NOT a solicitation for the PAC.
- Great Lakes NLC Chair Mike Hanlon and Southwest NLC Chair Corey Soignet hosted a Practice the “Ask” training session. This training session allowed attendees to role-play meeting with their member of Congress before heading to Capitol Hill. Participants got a better understanding of the “Ask” and prepared for Congressional visits.
- After completing morning training, NATCAvists attended congressional appointments on Capitol Hill.
- After Hill meetings, attendees hosted a congressional reception. This reception provided a less formal setting to continue discussion on issues facing NATCA and the NAS with members of Congress and their staff.
Wednesday, May 24
- NATCAvists wrapped up congressional appointments on Capitol Hill.