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June 15, 2016: The Washington Times: Paul Rinaldi Column – “Air Traffic Control Shouldn’t Model Metro”

The Washington Times: Column – “Air Traffic Control Shouldn’t Model Metro”

June 15, 2016

By Paul Rinaldi, NATCA President

The Metro subway system in Washington, D.C., is a national disgrace. The U.S. secretary of transportation has even threatened to shut it down unless its safety problems are repaired. Thousands of commuters and tourists would be disadvantaged if that happened.

Sadly, Metro’s problems aren’t different in kind than the woes of a much bigger and more important transit system, the air traffic control (ATC) system that guides millions of passengers to their destinations each year. No one is thinking of shutting down U.S. airspace, but unless improvements in technology and staffing are implemented soon, the nation’s capital could have a second disgrace on its hands.

To read the complete column, please click here.

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