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AFN election

Jan. 8, 2016 // This Week’s Notebook: AFN Election Runoff Entering Final Week and Much More!

AFN electionWe are just a week away from knowing if NATCA has won the support of the more than 1,200 bargaining unit members in the new AFN (FAA Office of Finance and Management) group who are deciding on their union representative in a runoff election.

The runoff against the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is needed because NATCA, while earning more votes in the initial election by a wide margin, fell just short of the 50 percent plus one total needed to win outright.

All ballots must be mailed in time to arrive at the San Francisco office of the Federal Labor Relations Authority by Jan. 13. Ballots will be counted on Jan. 14.

We will announce the results of the runoff election in the Jan. 15 (next week’s!) NATCA Insider.

What’s New at the NATCA Store: NATCA Lanyard

Check out the new look for the NATCA lanyard! We’ve got a 3/4″ sewn sublimated lanyard in traditional colors with vinyl strap. Metal o-rings are used for attaching a bulldog or belt clip end strap like NATCA retractable badge holders. This item is sold per piece or in bundles of 10. Made in USA.

Click here to view the item and order at natcastore.com. Select USPS or UPS as your shipping preference on your orders. If you need items by a certain date, please contact NATCA Store Customer Service for arrangements. Expedited shipping charges may apply. To check on stock availability or for further assistance, call 800.266.0895 or email [email protected].

2016 Pocket Calendars

Pocket calendars are available for purchase at $1.50 each. To place an order or to order in bulk, please click here.

Benefit Spotlight: Health Clubs

Have you made your New Year’s Resolution yet? One popular resolution that seems to be on a lot of people’s minds at this time of year is to get into better physical shape. Well, NATCA has just the solution for your resolution – join a health club today at a discount brought to you by Union Plus and their affiliate Global Gym. The program at Union Plus offers real savings, a low price guarantee, flexibility on where you can work out with 10,000 gyms to choose from including 24 Hour Fitness, Curves, Anytime Fitness, Sport & Health, and Bally’s Total Fitness. What are you waiting for?

Check out the money saving details at Union Plus and find a gym that meets your needs here at global fit or call 1-800-294-1500 to get started.

Cambridge Corner: Rely on Reason

Making decisions in haste or based on emotion can result in investment moves you may later regret. Review your original reasons for buying an investment and compare performance with an appropriate benchmark index before you sever ties. If returns have been poor over several years, consider replacing the investment with a similar one that’s a better performer.

Call 888-900-4690 or click here for more information on how Cambridge Financial Partners can help you.

NATCA EDGE – Designed Exclusively for NATCA members!

Can’t get to a seminar? We’ll bring the seminar to you! Presenting an all-new, flexible access, web-based session of our popular retirement benefits seminar:

Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016
10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT

To register for a session, visit portal.natca.net. Personalized benefit estimate for participants paid for as an exclusive benefit for NATCA members. You will never be solicited or sold anything…EVER!

For any questions or problems with registration, contact Grace Colby, NATCA Executive Administrative Assistant: (202) 220-9829, [email protected].

Have You Moved or Changed Your Email Address?

Please let us know, so we can update our membership database and better serve you. Simply go the NATCA Portal to make all updates yourself.

Stay Plugged in With NATCA News and Information

Members website: www.natca.org
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=4952783&trk=hb_side_g
Twitter: www.twitter.com/natca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/natcafamily
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/50541310@N03/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/natcanational
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NATCANationalOffice

Email Alerts: Important updates are sent directly to members via email. To ensure we have your email address, or to change your address, please log in to the NATCA Portal.

Join Our Email Distribution Lists: To get NATCA press releases, daily press clippings and weekly updates—Paul Rinaldi/Trish Gilbert Team Updates and these National Office Departmental Updates—emailed directly to you, please send an email to Director of Communications Doug Church at [email protected].

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